22. The Test Of Self Control

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"How do I look?" I stood in front of my laptop and asked Crystal, whose eyes assessed my body as much as the screen allowed and at last, she gave her approval by giving me a thumbs up. Winking at her, I turned around to set my hair and then sprayed a little amount of my favorite vanilla-scented cologne.

"Don't impregnate someone in the club. Remember, wrap your will-"

"Fuck off." I turned around and scoffed. In return, she just winked at me and continued eating her icecream.

"So is Clara going?" she suddenly asked, increasing the tension in the atmosphere. I sighed at her name and sat down on the bed, pulling the laptop over my lap.

"Yeah. I am supposed to give her a ride. I swear I'll kill Amber for this." I frowned, running my fingers through my hair, giving them a messy look.

"Did she bring that up?" she asked and I immediately knew what she was talking about.

"No." I said.

"And you?" she drew her eyebrows closer.

"Me? What am I supposed to do? Remind her of our so-called marriage like a desperate?" I spat in anger.

"But you can't just ignore the fact that you both are still legally married, no matter how much you try to deny it." she reasoned and although she was right, her words irked me.

"If you have nothing else to talk about, I'm cutting the call." I said. When she didn't say anthing except looking at me with disappointment, I cut the call and put the laptop at my side.

Making my way towards Clara's room, I knocked at the door gently and waited for her to come out. While doing so, I tapped the floor in annoyance at Crystal's word. She wasn't wrong but I would never bring that up. For me, the marriage broke the second she betrayed me and now, she meant nothing to me, let alone my wife.

The opening of door broke the chain of my thoughts. My eyes moved to Clara and I sucked my breath when I saw her dress. The black color looked amazing against her pale skin and the dress hugged all her feminine curves, highlighting her chest. She was wearing minimal makeup and her wild, red hair were hanging around her waist in a natural, messy way.

She had no idea how breathtaking she looked, or maybe she had. Of course she had, Clara knew her effect on people and she knew how to use that.

When I told her that Amber asked me to drive her to club, she turned flustered. Unknowingly, she bit her lips and her action brought my gaze to her plump lips, covered in red lipstick. A desire to kiss them erupted in my heart but I pushed it back.

Not wanting to embarrass myself, I walked forwards without waiting for her to come along. I could hear her footsteps behind me, trying to match my pace and failing miserably.

Without talking to each other, we reached the parking lot where the rented car was parked. I figured it would be better to rent a car for the time we are here. I unlocked the passenger side for her and slid inside the driver seat, starting the engine of the car.

"Thanks, for the ride." her muffled vocie reached my ears and I stopped my eyes from going towards her, in that dress. It was a torture on my self control and Amber knew it, she knew how much I like a woman in plain black dress, without any stupid decoration or pearls.

"Whatever." I said and kept my focus on the road. After a while, I felt her tapping the floor of the car. My eyes moved to her legs without knowing and I let out a deep breath at the sight. Her pale, toned legs were at contrast with the dark material and her flawless skin urged me to run my fingers along them, while I-

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