44. Moving Out At Last

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The next morning, Amber called me to be ready because we were going back to city. Last night, after that confrontation with Aaron, I spent the night changing turns on the bed. Knowing that Ryan came back and they believed him but I was not trustworthy enough, it hurts. Just because he was family and I was not, doesn't give him the right of exemption.

He was the reason everything bad happened to me and yet, he lived his life just as he wanted. While I have been suffering from guilt ever since.

While I was changing into some fresh clothes, I noticed my red nose and dark circles under my eyes. That's what holding onto past does to you.

Once I got ready, I checked my mobile, only to find an email from the site where I applied for an apartment for rent. I knew Ava wanted to move in with Mark but she was just hesitating because she didn't want to leave me alone. I have a job now and it's high time I move out. Thankfully, the owner of the house had approved my application and he said I can move in from any minute now.

Deciding to conform the date later, I picked up my travel bag and made way towards the parking of the hotel where Amber was already waiting for me in her SUV.

Once I was inside, we were off to our destination. I don't know why but something felt off. Someone as talkative as Amber didn't even acknowledge me throughout the drive. She kept her focus on her laptop and answered my queries in just one word answers.

Once the driver reached my apartment, Amber turned to me to say something. "I need to talk to you Clara." Just as I feared, there was something wrong.

"Um.. Yeah?" I asked, unsure of what she was going to say.

"Can we go inside your apartment?" she said, looking around us. There were few people on the street who were staring at us, probably wondering what I was doing inside such a lavish car.


As we stepped inside the apartment, I led her to the living room. She had an uncomfortable expression on her face and it even made me nervous. My gaze dipped down to her lap where her finger was ticking anxiously.

"I like you Clara, I really do. You are one of the most decent employees I ever had." she sighed in an exhausted tone.

"Why do I feel like there's a but coming?" I sat in front of her and asked.

She lowered her head and a frown appeared on her forehead. She started to say something but then stopped, and then started again. "My husband Peter worked with Darren Vincent and Richard Avery, your dad." she paused and I gulped. "He was there on your wedding."

Within a moment, my whole past flashed in front of my eyes. It was happening again. Once again, I was going to get punished for one mistake. I knew it beforehand. She was going to fire me.

"I'm sorry Clara. I don't mean to judge you for your past. But Aaron is my friend. I don't know how difficult it must be for him to have you around, constantly reminding him of your betrayal." she didn't meet my eyes throughout her speech.

"As a businesswoman, I would love to have you work with me as my secretary. But as Aaron's friend and more importantly as someone who deeply respects the sacred relationship between a husband and a wife, I can't allow you to work with us anymore. Because for me, trust and honesty is the base of every relationship, even that of a employer and an employee." Her tone was apologetic and so was the look in her eyes.

Blood rushed out of my face and I bit the insides of my cheeks.

How long? How much more of this misery?

"Don't worry. You won't be jobless. I have already sent your name to some other companies and I have told them what a responsible, intelligent and hardworking person you are. I'll email you all the details and advance salary of your next three months will be in your bank by this weekend. Just.... Sorry but I can't let you work with us anymore."

"It's fine." I put a fake smile on my face. "I'll.... I'll manage."

"Are you sure? If you need anything-"

"No. I'll be fine." I smiled. She expected me to say some more, even fight for my job but she didn't know me very well. She didn't know that I had already expected this from day one. Her eyes lingered on my face for a moment after which she passed me a sad smile and walked out of my apartment.

The first person that appeared in my mind was Ava. She was not around. If she was here, it would have hurt her a lot. She had always wanted me to move on in my life and when I got this job, her happiness knew no bounds. I didn't have stamina to tell her that I was back to zero. She didn't have to ruin her happiness because of me. I was just a source of negativity for her and going away was the best thing possible.

I wanted to cry but I had more important thing to do. First, I called the owner of the apartment and let them know that I'll be moving in within few hours.

After that, I went into my room and packed everything I needed. I was on the verge of crying but I didn't. I have had enough of all the shit life threw at me. This time, I was going to leave everything behind once again, just like I did many years ago. There was no salvation for a person like me so there was no point in staying here, trying to redeem myself.

Once my luggage was ready, I took a post-it note from the study and wrote a note on it for Ava.

"Don't stress out. I am not kidnapped, just moving out.

I'll contact you once I am settled in the new apartment. Don't send a search party for me. :p

Lots of love.

After pasting the note on the kitchen counter, I gave one last look to the apartment. We moved here just a year ago when Ava was given the new position in the head office. It had some memories of us, having a deep, midnight talk, eating fried stuff, Ava bitching about Mark's female friends, me crying silently in the bedroom.

But leaving my home behind was not new for me. I have done this many times in the last few years. The only issue was Ava. I haven't learnt to live without her yet. I hope I'll be courageous enough to move on without her support and help.


I know its short but I'm planning on updating again within few hours.

By the way, what do you think of this book? Is it better than my other books, worst than them or just okay-ish? For me, I think it's too melodramatic and teen fiction is a more suitable genre for me.

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