Sniffing Flowers

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Hey all.

This first one is dedicated to my good friend, Stacy.

Her user name's Glitter_mustachexx. So fan her. :)

Hugs & kisses(Writing it like this felt more professional ;) ),



I stroll down my street, on my way home from school.

There was this lonely house at the end of the road.

The little kids had it in their heads that the old man who lived in the house was kinda psycho.

The house in general was pretty dilapidated. The white paint was peeling and a shutter was about to fall off. But, the old man who lived in there was always planting these wonderful flowers. From lilies to tulips and daffodils. It was gorgeous.

Everyone else thought so too, but were too afraid to go and have a closer look.

I was in a pretty good mood on my way home.

I'd aced my science quiz.

The science teacher had handed them back to me today, and I'd gotten an A.

Thank goodness all the studying paid off.

I'd badgered my best friend, Lauren, to help me study. She found it rather irritating that I was obsessed with getting good grades.

You can't blame me. I want to get into a good college, and get out of this small town.

Lacey agreed with me on that. But, she really wasn't the hard work and studying type.

More of the I-want-to-go-everywhere-and-see-sights-but-I'm-too-lazy type.

I walk nonchalantly, feeling happy on my good science grade.

I walk past the old house, and pause.

The wonderful smell of freshly cut grass and blooming flower wafts into my nose.

I walk back to the fence of the house and crouch down in front of the flowers.

I gently hold a lily between my fingers, and sniff the flower.

I love the smell of Spring.

I love all the rain, and grass and mud.

As I sniff each all the flowers closest to me, the door of the house suddenly opens.

I stand up, suddenly.

It was the old man.

Noody actually knew his name.

He didn't talk to anyone.

He glares at me and yells, "What do you think you're doing touching my flowers?! Huh?! Go!"

Shocked, I freeze where I am, my green-blue eyes wide.

"Come on now?! Eh? What's wrong with you, girl! Go!" He bellows.

I gape at him, my mouth stupidly hanging open.

My mouth shapes words as if to talk, but nothing comes out.

Suddenly, a handsome guy my age comes out of the house.

He has curly dark hair, and big crystal blue eyes. he's the cutest guy I'd seen around here.

He must be new.



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