Chapter 14 Making it Right

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Ricky's POV

The next week went by just like the six weeks before now. Kian not talking not even looking at me and JC ignoring only talking to me, if he absolutely had to to.

Things needed to change. They need to change now and I need to make them right. I made my way up to my room and came up with a plan that I hoped would work.

"JC can you please come here? This is really important." I called out. I need to make sure he can get Kian out of the house for the day.

"What do you possibly want Ricky." He said crossing his arms while leaning on my door frame. Again everyone pretty much hates me except Jordan.

"Look I just need kian out of the house today. I'll explain everything later. Please just do something with him?" I plead. This can't happen if Kian is here.

"No. Explain now!"

"Ok I really want to make everything up to Kian. I know I screwed up big time. I just needed time to think and all I really needed was Kian. I know how awful I was but I want to make it right." His face softens up a little bit he still looks angry at me. "I just want him to have a special night. I was thinking setting up a movie in the backyard and putting fairy lights up and just making it really special. Cook him a dinner."

"Fine. But I swear if you hurt him tonight I will not be afraid to hurt you!" He yells walking out of my room. About an hour later I hear Kian protesting to leave but somehow JC gets him to leave. Once I hear the front door shut I sprung down stairs to the backyard. (Just pretend there yard is like the one in the picture by the end of this.)

I quickly look out the glass door and sigh as I see that it isn't destroyed. I then check to see what I have to buy. Steak, fairy lights (different colors), I'll also have to go to Walgreens and get some pictures printed out.

As son as I getting home from my shopping I run into the backyard setting up everything. I put up the multiple colored fairy lights. Then get string to try around the yard so that the pictures can hang. After that I set out about 20 fluffy and soft blankets and some pillows. I also set up a cute little dinner table with two chairs and a single rose in the middle. By time I am done it is now 4:32. I make the dinner and set it out. By time this is done I hear the front door open.

"JC thanks for the day out, but I'm sleeping. Good night." Kian says as he starts up the stairs. I look at JC who is wondering to the backyard.

"Kian." I call out as I run up behind him.

"What could you possibly want now Ricky. You already broke my heart." He says turning around. His face looks angry but his eyes deceive him. They are full of sadness swimming around.

"Just come with me. Please." I whisper. My voice is gone from the look on his face.

"Fine but I swear that if its anything that is-" he cuts himself off when he looks out the window towards the backyard. His jaw slightly drops.

"This is my apology. A movie night just like we did before. You know before everything. I really am sorry Kian." I face the floor in fear that he might not like it. I feel his fingers on my chin lifting my face up.

"This is amazing. But is this really all you want this to be?" He asks not letting go of my face. I shake my head no.

"In all honesty I thought maybe this could be our first date." I whisper.

"Well why don't you try asking. In pretty sure whoever you did this all for would say yes." He says smiling.

"Well do you think?" I ask playing along with his game.

"I think yes. Just ask." His hand suddenly leaves my face and goes back down to his side.

"Well if you think yes then. Would you go on a date with me Kian." I ask reaching for his hand.

"Yeah." He whispers looking at our hands. "I told you he would say yes."


I updated yay. So yeah this is that. So yeah. Ok now this sounds awkward. Wanna hear something funny?

Me and my friend went trick or treating and two people said have fun and both of us at the same time said you to. Yeah that was fun.

But anyways how are you guys? long time no talk.

Ok good bye loves. Good night. Good morning. Good afternoon.

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