That was for Adam

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Sirius's: POV

September 1st 1997: Hogwarts Express

"Hogwarts, what a excuse for school!" I muttred. "Don't say that!" said Pansy. "The Dark Lord has given a mission to Adam!" I replied. "But she's in Azkaban!" said Blaine. "Do you honestly think he'll be there the rest of his life?" I asked. "No!" he said. "I'll help him to escape!" I replied.

"Tell us about the mission!" said Pansy. "The Dark Lord has ordered him to kill Albus Dumbledore!" I said. "It's a suicide mission!" replied Blaine. "You haven't met my boyfriend, he's not afraid of anything!" I said.

"It's someome here!" replied Pansy. "Petrificus Totalus!" I said. "Didn't your mother learn that it's ugly to eavesdropping? oh wait, she's dead!" I said and broke Harry's nose. "That was for Adam, have a nice trip back to London!" I said and the put the cloak back.


"This year's DADA teacher is Severus Snape!" said Albus. "Finally!" I replied. "What you did to Potter was so awesome!" said Mel. "He must learn to keep his nose out of other people's business!" I replied. "So true!" she said.

"I need your help!" I replied. "With what?" asked Melanie. "I have to find a way to bring the death eaters to Hogwarts!" I said. "I know exactly what to do!" she replied.

Sirius is up to no good.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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