thirty five | woosan (2/2)

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: jung wooyoung 💛

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: jung wooyoung 💛

21k likes, 16k comments

wooyoungie so you have both cute and sexy concepts???

havingacrisisrn you're adorable!

hakunamatatayuh oh my god wooyoung-

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: choi san 💛

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: choi san 💛

20k likes, 16k comments

sanshine an angel

yutas_bitch i love you so much

haoverse sannieeeeeeee !!!

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: woosan 💛

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woosanofficial treasure official concept photos #nightmode: woosan 💛

31k likes, 21k comments

seonghwa i think i might stan  @/yeosang

yeosang (replying to @/seonghwa) ooh

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private dms: seonghwa and yeosang


yeosang wait, are they the boys with the weird usernames???

seonghwa sannie and woowoo?

yeosang yeah those

seonghwa you keep laughing at them but look at how far they've come now

yeosang don't be mean

seonghwa say that to yourself, then maybe you might have been in yunho's record label too

yeosang i think he dmed me once

seonghwa lies

yeosang do you want proof

seonghwa did you need to ask

yeosang yes

yeosang okay then invite me over again and i'll show you the messages

seonghwa it's not like i don't want you here... but have you ever heard of screenshotting?

yeosang nope

yeosang bye hyung

seonghwa bye

yeosang is offline
seonghwa is offline

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