thirty seven

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"hi! can you please bring me to this place?" mingi handed his phone to the taxi driver, phone screen displaying the address hongjoong sent him awhile ago.

"w-why would a young boy like you want to go to a place like that?"

"it's a long story, i'll tell you on the way!" mingi hopped into the taxi and closed the car door, hoping that the driver won't chase him out.

thankfully, the taxi driver nodded. mingi will make sure he tips the nice man.

"i met this boy online five years and one month ago..."


hongjoong shivered. he's so cold, he's so hungry.

why did he sign up for this job? oh, college. he needed money for college.

who is he waiting for again? mingi! mingi said he's coming...

hongjoong's stomach growled again, and he feels his eyelids getting heavy. he feels dizzy. how long has it been since he was last given food?

but again, as he was just about to give up on staying strong, he remembers that mingi was coming to get him.

his mingi.


"are you sure you want to go? i can turn back around, if you want..." the taxi driver looked at mingi, concerned.

mingi nodded. "hongjoong needs me!"

the taxi driver nodded, and mingi paid.

"thank you so much!"


"hongjoongie, stay strong, mingi's coming." he whispers to himself.

he smiled softly to himself, imagining being able to finally hug mingi, and being able to tell him how much he appreciates having him in his life.

"mingi's coming..."

"mingi's here!"

hongjoong's heart skipped a beat. he got up from the floor, and turned to face the direction of the door.

"m-mingi!" hongjoong weeped.

"hi minion," mingi embraced the small boy in a hug, and rubbed reassuring circles on his back.

"you're okay..." mingi's voice was so calming. it made him feel safe.

"joong hyung, let's get out of here while he's not around, okay?"

hongjoong nodded.

and the two boys escaped.



mingi hummed back a response.

"i'm sorry we had to meet like that..." hongjoong felt a lump grow in this throat, again.

mingi shot him a sweet smile.

"it's really okay!"

hongjoong nodded tiredly.

"it feels so nice to finally be home,"

mingi smiled at the small boy, and brought him into a cuddle.

cuddle session, check!

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