Chapter Six

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[9:30PM] The morning sky was beautiful. The sun had just started rising and the sky was a mix of light blue, lilac and pink. The birds were happily chirping, flying by the window at Peter's room. Nature seemed to be happy today, matching the duo's mood. Peter woke up feeling warmth on his side. He pushed himself towards the source of warmth, snuggling in his dad's chest. Tony was wide awake, his heart fluttering at the gesture and his chest aching but in a good way. He smiled to himself, watching the teen snuggle close to him and faintly smile in his sleep. God, how can a person love a kid so much? The billionaire was watching the spider sleep peacefully and played with his curly hair, combing it with his fingers and slightly running them through it. "G'dmorning daaaaad.." said the teen, stretching his limbs "Good morning son, wanna go grab something to eat?" "Oh, uh don't you have anything, you know, Stark Industries suuuper important meeting to attend?" said the teen with a chuckle. The billionaire laughed "Kid, if you don't want to it's okay, we'll do it another time" "No no noo it's not that, it's just I don't want to burden you and make you fall behind at work" replied shyly the spiderling. "Peter, you are my number one priority, you are above all the"important" meetings" "Okay then, lets go!" said eagerly the boy while pulling his dad by the hand. "Calm down kiddo! I'm coming, let me grab a jacket!"
[10:45PM] Peter was feeling strangely happy today despite the fact that just yesterday he had tried to kill himself. He shrugged the thought off no, I'm not ruining my mood today. He ate with pleasure his breakfast along with Tony. For once, we wasn't feeling alone. Everything seemed joyful, nothing could ruin the today. Peter decided to go out as Spider-Man again. It's been a while since he actually went out on patrol (excluding the previous night). He quickly changed in his suit "Friday, if dad asks telk him I'm on patrol and that I'll be back in an hour!" "Yes, Peter."
Wow I had forgotten how nice it actually is to swing from rooftop to rooftop! Peter was having the time of his life just swinging here and there, stopping fights and roberies and helping elderly ladies cross the road. He lived for these little things. That was until he saw Ned with MJ. He jumped down in front of them startling them a bit. "Hey Peter oh my god you scared us! What happened, why weren't you answering our phone calls and messages?" asked MJ clearly annoyed and worried. "Look guys I'm so so sorry I didn't contact you but a lot happened these days.." said Peter lowering his gaze. "Well, tell us! For God's sake Peter, we are your friends!" Ned shot back clearly concerned about his friend. "Well, first of all my.. my aunt got killed in a shooting.." MJ's facial features softened as she looked at Peter with sadness "Ah, sorry Peter I didn't.. we didn't know. Sorry." "It's- it's okay guys don't worry.." Peter was ready to cry but thank God for his suit's mask that covered his face and hid the tears that had spilled. "Did anything else happen? We want to know so we can help you get through it." softly said Ned. "I, um, I tried to kill myself.." "You what? Peter, why?" said MJ shocked by her friend's reveal. Ned just stared at Peter blankly. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. "I was tired of fighting these voices in my head, I couldn't make them stop and I started believing what they were saying to me." replied Spider-Man now crying, on the verge of sobbing. MJ took the opportunity "Hey, hey it's okay we are here for you if you need us. We will always be here for you, remember that. You're never alone, Peter. You've got us. And Tony." She pulled him in a hug and soon Ned joined them too. After what felt for like an hour Peter decided it's time to leave. After all he said he'd be back in an hour."Alright, guys gotta go. Dad is waiting for me. Byeee!" said Spider-Man and shot a web to a nearby building. "Wait, dad? Hey, you've got a lot of explaining to do mister!" screamed Ned, earning a laugh from the superhero.

hey guys! so this might be a little shorter than the rest of the other parts and also the seventh chapther might come a littke late! sorry about that! also i uploaded on my other book two one shots go check them out if ya want! sending my uwu's


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