Chapter One.

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My name is Caitlin, or at leasts that what a call myself. - for now anyway.

Not many people believe in what I tell them - some try and help me only to be pushed back and others try and trick me - the only thing that keeps me from screaming is knowing that I can drop back - disappear without a trace - a whole new identity, a whole new life.

I haven't changed in awhile - usually I change every so often - just to throw people off my tracks but strangely this life seems different - heck, I'm even enjoying myself.

My powers came to me by surprise a few years ago - when I was about seventeen, I remember I just opened my mouth and it all just happened - I didn't sound like myself - I didn't sound normal.

Scared and confused I freaked out,

I lashed out. And then I fled.

Now I feel as if my life's finally back on track - I can just slip away into reality now without worrying about death - or my previous life's.

I live in a small - crowded apartment - usually preferring to stay out from Nine 'till 5.


It's not because I'm scared - at least not yet anyway - but more because I don't like talking - and I know how weird that sounds.

Communication is what makes our species so superior and yet I'm here, with a power beyond my abilities and yet I feel as if I am completely muted.

Maybe it's better that way - scary men in black suits and weird unnatural things usually don't end well.


My hands drummed against the glass quietly - as I watched the Tv inside the small side-café. A smile smile steadily began to spread on my lips - as I watched the familiar scene of the New York attack play - strange things that nobody could explain.

Smiling I turned back, my gaze scanning my surroundings before i finally decided I was in London.

My head fogged over briefly - as I tried to recount my last actions - I remember talking to some agent - she knew about the mimicking - well, part of it. I hadn't told her I could mimic fingerprints, or change into another person as far as she knew I could only change minor details of my face and copy sounds.

" it's better if it says that way." I repeated - remembering the words that Agent Coulson had told me - he had warned me not to tell anyone but I lied to him - I lied to everyone.

He hadn't contacted me after - the last time we talked he had injected a strange tracking device into my arm - and told me to lay down low for awhile.

Scoffing I shook my head, picking up my bags of the side-walk and opening the Doors, walking inside the small yet cosy café.

"Ah Caitlin."

I instantly heard the thick Italian accent of Monroe - he had been a friend of mine ever since I started this new life. He had even offered me a job once or twice but I declined - I didn't like being here for too long I always felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey." I respond simply, acknowledging him with a short wave of my right hand and sitting down on a stool, turning to face the TV.

"The heroes of New York, never gets old." He breathed, giving me a faint smile before turning around and walking back towards the counter.

"Time will catch upto them."

I mumbled in response - my hands tightening against the edge of the stool until my knuckles turned a faint pale white.

"I better be off." I decided, forcing a smile and gathering my bags - Monroe rushed forward - halting me.

"Caitlin - phone."

He breathed - he wasn't exactly the fittest - maybe that's why he wanted the extra help around here?

Pushing away the dark thought that someone knew I was here, right now, I walked back over to the counter, gratefully accepting the phone from him.


I began - my voice wavering slightly although I tried my best to sound firm - maybe I was the wrong Caitlin after all.

"Miss Watson? This is Agent Coulson I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D, we need you to come in straight away."

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