Chapter 3

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I don't know where I was when I woke up, but I definitely wasn't in my apartment.

I was laying on a small bed, it was the only piece of furniture there, around me the walls gleamed a deep silver - shadowing my every move.

" it doesn't get much weirder then this."

I comment aloud - my voice echoing slightly before vanishing into the darkness.

Letting out a dry laugh I wandered towards the bed again, this time noticing a small trey besides it - it contained some bottled water and a biscuit.

"Five stars."

I mutter sarcastically, dropping onto the bed and picking up - turning it over and inspecting the label.

" why the hell do they own a bottled water company." I mumble, shrugging and uncapping the bottle, downing it in a few rapid gulps.

Feeling slightly refreshed I leant back on the bed, allowing my eyes to drop shut.


I was asleep for about ten minutes,

Before my eyes flew open at the sound of a door opening.

"Miss Watson? I'm sorry to disturb you, Agent Coulson will see you now."

The voice seemed firm, and apart from that it didn't show any kind of character - the man who spoke was tall, with black hair and he wore a serious face.

'Don't wanna get on the wrong side of him.' I thought gloomily, hauling myself upright and allowing myself to be herded into the corridor.

I don't have any physical power so it confused me to why there was around ten agents standing outside, each armed.

The tallest agent - the one who'd came and fetched me nodded and they all dropped their weapons - for the first time today I felt grateful I had obeyed them.

I didn't get to see much of the ship - we went through a few rooms - one of which had three people in - all playing scramble, the youngest, properly the same age as me, smiled and waved - and because I didn't feel like among enemies I waved in return.

Eventually we arrived in the largely labelled ' Communication Vault '

I was slightly disappointed - I was expecting some highly scientific equipment but the only thing that looked like it came from this decade was the table and chairs.

I didn't dare open my mouth - i felt myself being shoved forward - and without hesitation I sat down on a chair.

The agents all exited - apart from the dark-haired one, he sat down on a small bench a few feet away from the table.

Once again I jumped as the door to my left opened - revealing a mid 30 year old man - This must be Coulson.

" We're sorry for our methods of transferring you here."

He stated, dusting down his trousers and sitting down opposite me.

"Just tell me why I'm here."

I responded bluntly - I didn't need to hesitate I didn't need to think, it was like a script I'd rehearsed many times over.

The agent frowned - but Coulson smiled.

"You see - your powers are steadily getting stronger - more advanced."

He stated.

"First of all, I'd prefer it if you called it a skill - rather then a power."

I began coldly, Coulson nodded apologetically before I continued.

"And what do you mean stronger?"

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