The house

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You all entered a black car.
You all sat down.
You were between Papyrus and your
future boyfriend, Sans.
Infront of you were W.D and G.B.
S >>It's gonna take a while so make yourself comfortable<<
You then took the opportunity to lay your head onto Sans's shoulder.
He layed his head on yours.

-You both fell asleep-

>>Hey? Hey, dollface wake up!<<
You >>Mmmm...whhaaa?<<
Sans was infront of your face with a little blush.
You looked outside the black widow
of the car.
There was a house,
it was big and didn't looked as bad as the apartments in your old city.
You looked back to Sans, he was now no longer infront of your face.
You stood up and pushed Sans down to a chair and said
>>Sans I gotta tell you something...<<
S >> Go on dollface<<
You >> I...I... I LOVE YOU SANS!!!<<
S >>...I...I<<
Sans got out of the car without saying anything else.

You then got out of the car yourself and saw Sans blushing a bit,
but you weren't blushing anymore.
You all went inside the big house.
S >>So we got a little problem...<<
You >>Hmm?
What kind of problem?<<
Sans pulled you out of the hallway into a separate room.
S >>You.<<
You>> Wha-? I'm the problem?!<<
S >>You could say that.
But...It's not you particularly...
It's the magic that Wing.Dings implanted you. See you already got a tail out of bone who knows what comes next.<<
You >> So what you're saying is that I'm gonna have more than a tail?
Like wings,horns,cat ears or...or<<
Sans moved closer to you.
You both blushed.
S >>Look dollface,
whatever happens to you...
-he moved even closer and
pushed you to a wall-
...I will always love you!
He "kissed" you on your lips and then went out to the rest of the gang.
A few minutes went past as you wen't out to the rest of the gang.
Sans was talking as nothing actually happened in that room.
G.B walked torts you
G.B >>Sooo...we got another problem...<<
You >> Ok,what now?<<
G.B >> Ya see...You and me have to share a bed tonigh-<<
You >> WHA-<<
G.B >>Shhhh. We have to because the other beds were stol-
because we have no other bedrooms.
You >> UUGGHHH.Fine.<<
G.B quickly grabbed your hand and said >>Then come with me!<<

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