Chapter 2

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Five days had passed since Whitewing's kits had been born. They still weren't old enough to play. Graypaw, Dustpaw, and Lilypaw had received their warrior names: Graygaze, Dustfang, Lilyheart. 

With three new warriors in the warriors' den, camp was busy as more patrols went out. Featherkit, Mudkit, and Nightkit were waiting at the dirt-place tunnel. 

"I can't wait to explore the forest," Featherkit purred, fluffing her fur. "We should leave now," she mewed, raising her tiny tail.

"I really don't like that idea," Nightkit mewed, avoiding her siblings' gaze. 

"Whatever! I'm going," Featherkit mewed. She pushed through the entrance and raced through, her paws skidding on the dirt as she ran. She raced from the exit of the tunnel and halted suddenly, her eyes widening as she stared above. Trees, taller than anything she'd seen before, seemed to be touching the sky. She had seen trees while in camp, but she'd never seen them this up-close. 

A bump to her rump made her turn around. Mudkit and Nightkit had slid out the tunnel, their eyes bright.

"Whoa!" Mudkit gasped. He lifted his tail. "This is amazing," he mewed, looking up. "The trees touch the sky!" He purred.

Nightkit glanced around, her sleek black fur glistening with sunlight. 

Featherkit bounded in the crunchy leaves, her tail in the air. She squeaked with delight, heading towards one of the trees. She leaped up, sinking her tiny claws into the bark. She turned her head. "Look!" She mewed. 

Mudkit and Nightkit looked at her, blinking. 

"Be careful," Nightkit called up to her. She shifted her paws. 

Featherkit made her way up, her tail lashing. "I'm gonna make it to the highest branch and catch a squirrel, then they'll make me an apprentice early!" She mewed. Before she could make it any higher, there was the crunching of leaves.

Mudkit and Nightkit glanced at each other. "Featherkit, hide! There's someone coming!" Mudkit called.

Featherkit gasped, her heart pounding. If someone was coming, she knew it would be her fault that they got in trouble. She tried to scramble down the tree, but looking down, she froze. She gasped, frozen with shock. Trembling, the bark wiggled under her. She dug her claws in harder.

"What are you doing? Get down!" Mudkit growled.

"He-help! I'm scared, I can't get down!" Featherkit gasped, hugging closer to the tree. Bark pierced her fur. 

Suddenly, Auburnpool and her apprentice, Burntpaw, burst from the undergrowth, prey dangling from their jaws. Auburnpool spotted Mudkit and Nightkit, her eyes widening. "What are you two doing out of camp?!" She growled.

Burntpaw looked up at the tree, his fur bristling. "Featherkit!" He gasped. He crouched, bunching his muscles. He jumped up, hooking his claws into the bark. He grabbed Featherkit's scruff in his jaws.

"Are you ok?" Auburnpool looked over Featherkit's trembling body.

"She's in shock," Burntpaw meowed, blinking his dark green eyes. He picked up Featherkit again.

Featherkit was frozen, trembling with fear. Her eyes were wide with fear. StarClan, help me! 

"You two," Auburnpool turned her sharp gaze on the two kits. "Back to camp. Now. You can explain later," she mewed, rushing into camp. 

Featherkit blinked open her eyes. She looked around, realizing she was in the medicine den. Flamedawn was crouched over her. He pushed an herb toward her. "This is thyme," he mewed.

Featherkit glanced at the leaves. She scooted closer, chewing on the leaves. She wrinkled her nose as the bitter taste of leaves washed her tongue. She flexed her claws.

"Good. It may taste bitter, but it will help you," Flamedawn meowed, his whiskers twitching.

Moonshine burst into the den, her gaze frantic. "Featherkit! Are you ok?" She gasped. She glanced at Featherkit. She pushed her muzzle to Featherkit's head, her eyes cloudy. "I'm sorry," she whimpered. 

Flamedawn pushed his way out of the den, his tail disappearing as the brambles swished behind him. 

Featherkit blinked at her mother. "Moonshine?" She mewed quietly. "Who is my father?" She asked. 

Moonshine blinked, worry making her fur prickle. "It's... Rookclaw," she whispered. 

Featherkit narrowed her eyes. She could tell her mother was lying. She flicked her tail. "Tell the truth, please," she mewed.

Moonshine's gaze clouded. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you," she whimpered. Without another word, she padded out of the den, her tail dragging behind her. 

Featherkit lay in her nest, her eyes clouding. Why wouldn't her mother tell her? She closed her eyes wishing for sleep, when suddenly the brambles swished once more. She blinked as Burntpaw entered the den. 

"Hey, Featherkit," Burntpaw greeted, sitting down. He pressed his warm pelt against hers.

Featherkit felt calmed by his presence for some reason. She fluffed out her fur. "Hi," she mewed. She avoided his dark green gaze. "Thank you for saving me," she murmured.

Burntpaw twitched his whiskers. "Well you're welcome," he mewed. "You must be excited to be an apprentice already. When is it?"

"Two more days," Featherkit answered. "I can't wait to become an apprentice!" She purred.

Burntpaw smiled. "I can tell," he purred. 

"Burntpaw! Come on, you're on this patrol!" Auburnpool's voice sounded outside the den. She came into the medicine den, her tail flicking. "Come on, Burntpaw."

Burntpaw got up, flattening his ears. "Sorry," he mewed. He stopped at the den entrance. "Bye, Featherkit," he meowed. He then padded from the den. 

Auburnpool glanced at Featherkit, narrowing her eyes. "You've learned your lesson?" She asked. 

Featherkit blinked at her.

"This is why we don't let kits out of camp," Auburnpool meowed, lashing her tail. "Are you ok?" She asked.

Featherkit sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine." She turned over so she couldn't see Auburnpool. She lay there, still, until Auburnpool left the den. She sighed, curling up. She missed the warmth of Burntpaw resting beside her. Featherkit froze suddenly. Why do I miss Burntpaw already? 

Warriors: Setting Sun: Falling Feather #1Where stories live. Discover now