Chapter 20

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Tidepool struck his paw in the river and pulled out a slippery fish. He killed it quickly, then placed it beside the other fish he had caught. 

"Great catch."

Tidepool glanced beside him, seeing Dawnlight. "Hey, Dawnlight," he greeted. "Didn't see you there," he mumbled.

"With leaf-bare coming up, its going to be harder for us," Dawnlight sighed, curling her tail over her eyes. "Us RiverClan cats eat fish, just imagine not having any," she purred. 

"The river will be frozen over, I'll miss fishing," Tidepool sighed. He hooked another fish out of the water and was slightly sprinkled with water. "Reedwhisker says I'm the best fisher in the Clan," he purred.

Dawnlight chuckled. "And I can see that. You're amazing," she commented, her green eyes shimmering.

Tidepool couldn't help but purr with her. He suddenly could feel his pelt burning. What is this? "It's getting late, we should head back. Hopefully we are chosen for the gathering," he mumbled.

"I wonder what the other Clans will report," Dawnlight murmured. Suddenly she pricked her ears. "Hey, what's that yowling all about?" She growled.

Tidepool pricked his ears. He could hear the yowling too. It sounded like cats fighting. He then rushed towards where the yowling was and he could feel his heart pounding. He realized he was heading towards the WindClan border. Were they attacking?

Tidepool stopped and saw that a RiverClan patrol was fighting with a WindClan patrol. He rushed towards them. "Hey, stop!" He growled.

The WindClan deputy, Doveclaw, turned towards him. There was a large scratch across the bridge of her nose. "We found a rabbit on our land that reeked of RiverClan scent!" She hissed.

Tidepool stopped, Dawnlight beside him. "We shouldn't be fighting, not when we have a gathering to go to in just a little bit," he growled. 

"Don't tell me what to do, fish-face," Doveclaw hissed, flattening her ears. "WindClan, retreat!" She yowled. The WindClan patrol then ran back across the border, their tails flicking.

Tidepool saw Iceriver, his mother in the patrol. He noticed a gash in her leg and raced towards her. "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine," Iceriver meowed.

"How dare they accuse us of stealing prey! We've done nothing," Flintspark hissed, lashing his tail. "They just miss fighting and so they accused us of something we didn't do as an excuse to fight!" He spat.

"That's enough, Flintspark," Rust, the leader of the patrol, hissed. "We should go back now or everyone else is going to be late to the gathering."

Flintspark rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd say that, rogue," he growled. The dark gray tom rolled his eyes. 

Tidepool glared at the young warrior, wondering why he'd say that to a senior warrior. Rust did his best to not make a remark towards Flintspark.

"We need to go back towards camp. Let's go get your fish," Dawnlight meowed, flicking her tail.

Tidepool dropped his fish on the fresh-kill pile. The injured patrol was in the medicine cat den getting their wounds treated. 

"All cats old enough to swim gather around for a Clan meeting!" Flowerstar called. "As you've seen, one of the patrols was attacked by WindClan. They have accused us of stealing prey!" She growled.

Outraged yowls broke out around Tidepool. I know for sure that no cat in RiverClan would kill something on another's Clan's territory. He glanced at the full moon in the sky, hoping Flowerstar would hurry up. RiverClan doesn't need to be late to the gathering.

Warriors: Setting Sun: Falling Feather #1Where stories live. Discover now