Chapter 15

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Mudpaw trudged into the rogue's camp, his paws aching. He glanced around. There were so many cays here! He wondered why Crowfrost wanted him here.

"Ice Shadow!" Darktail called, his tail lashing. "Led these two apprentices to their nests, will you?" He asked.

"Sure thing," Ice Shadow meowed, dipping his head. He glanced at Mudpaw and Nightpaw. "Come here," he mewed.

Nightpaw gazed at the tom, her yellow eyes shimmering. Mudpaw looked at her, wondering why she was looking at the rogue like that. He shrugged it off.

As Ice Shadow led them to their dens, Mudpaw noticed Crowfrost padding over to them. "Finally, I can tell you both something that you've probably been wondering. What a shame Featherpaw isn't here," the rogue sighed. 

"Uh, what do you want to tell us?" Mudpaw asked. Why does this cat seem to intrigued about Nightpaw and me?

"Ice Shadow," Crowfrost meowed. "These two are your half-siblings. Meet Mudpaw and Nightpaw," he meowed, dipping his head.

Ice Shadow gasped. "I didn't even know I had half-siblings," he mumbled.

Mudpaw's eyes widened. He looked at Crowfrost. "S-so that means that you're our father?" He questioned, his tail lashing. This can't be true! There's no way Moonshine would be mates with a rogue!

"Yes. Moonshine had been meeting with me and eventually she fell pregnant. I wanted her to join me, but she declined. And she had you and your siblings," Crowfrost meowed. 

"W-why would Moonshine want to have kits with a rogue?" Nightpaw growled. She flattened her ears. "So that means we're half rogue!" She growled.

"Technically half ShadowClan, because I was a ShadowClan warrior once," Crowfrost pointed out. 

"You were once ShadowClan? Then how come you're a rogue now? What made you leave?" Mudpaw questioned. 

"Ashstar was leader of ThunderClan when I was there. I was mad that he seemed so friendly. And being a ThunderClan cat, he thought he should help everyone and thought that peace was everything. I got so annoyed that ThunderClan had another nosy leader, so I left to be with the rogues," Crowfrost explained. He flicked his tail. "I was proud to be ShadowClan. I honestly regret leaving it now, but I can't go back, not after what I've been through with these rogues. Besides, it's free here, not bounded by some stupid warrior code," Crowfrost grumbled. "If I was still in ShadowClan, I wouldn't have met with Moonshine."

Mudpaw tipped his head. "I suppose you only brought us here to tell us about you being our father, right? So can we go now?" He asked.

"No," Crowfrost snapped. "If your Clan really cares, then we will ask them for prey in return of you two. Now go to your den and get some rest," he growled.

Mudpaw lashed his tail. So killing Pearlshine was for nothing? A warrior died just for a secret to be revealed! Mudpaw felt angered that his mother hid this from him. He was also angry that she decided to have kits with some rogue that has killed many. Padding to the den, Mudpaw kicked a small pebble.

"I can't believe this," Nightpaw mumbled. "I'm so mad that Moonshine kept this a secret," she murmured, her tail drooping. "How could she do this to us? How could she allow us to grow up without a father? Doesn't she know how much mental pain that can put on a cat?" Nightpaw cried, her voice choking on grief.

"It'll be ok," Mudpaw soothed, pressing against his sister. "We probably aren't the only cats who haven't grown up with a father."

Mudpaw headed into the den entrance, then sat down on his nest. Nightpaw crouched down in her nest, her tail wrapping around her paws. Mudpaw felt his belly grumble with hunger, and he sighed. "Aren't the going to give us food?" He mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, the white she-cat that looked like Pearlshine padded up. She had two mice in her jaws and a saddened look on her face. She dropped the mice at the two apprentice's paws. "Here you go," she murmured. "I'm Frostheart, and I'm supposed to take care of you."

So that's her name. Mudpaw looked at Frostheart. "Thank you, I was starving!" He mewled, taking a bite of the mouse. He then saw that the she-cat was about to turn away, and he sat up. "Wait!" He called.

Frostheart turned and looked at him. "Yes?" She prompted.

"About earlier. Pearlshine, that white cat, is she related to you?" Mudpaw asked, flicking his tail. He gazed at her face.

"Oh, the one that Darktail... killed?" She mewed. "Yes..." she rasped. "I hate that Darktail killed my daughter, but I'm afraid that if I defy his decision, he will kill me as well. And that tom that was with you, that's my son too. What is his name now?"

"Burntsun," Mudpaw replied, taking another bite of the mouse. "I have a question, though. Why did you leave your kits by the border?"

"I couldn't take care of all my kits, and so I dropped two off by the border, hoping ThunderClan would take care of them, and it looks like they did," Frostheart meowed. She hung her head. "I don't know why, but I regret joining these rogues now. I want to leave with my daughters and go back to ThunderClan."

"Wait, 'back to ThunderClan'?" Mudpaw echoed. "You were in ThunderClan?" He asked.

"Yes, I was. I was an apprentice when I left to join the rogues," Frostheart explained. She shuffled her paws. "I-I was mad that my brother got so much attention from from my mother, so I started hating him because I was jealous. I got a crush on Falconflight, and when he wanted to leave with the rogues, I left with him. I eventually had his kits and once he died, I soon started to realize how much I regretted joining the rogues. Sharptalon is dead now, and I'm sorry that I never got to apologize," the white she-cat whimpered. "My mother, father, mate, and brother are gone now. I have another brother, Lighttail, but I have no idea where he is. He's probably dead too."

Mudpaw flashed her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry that you went though that. By the way, Lighttail is in RiverClan now. He has a daughter as well, which is Wingstorm. And Sharptalon had kits too," he meowed. Maybe ThunderClan will let her back in?

"Thank StarClan at least Lighttail is alive. I-I want to redeem myself. Tonight, I'm going to sneak you two out and try to bring my daughters with me. I'm going to go back to ThunderClan," Frostheart murmured. "Hopefully Squirrelstar will see past what I've done before and let me back in."

"What if they don't let you back in?" Mudpaw asked, swallowing a mouthful of mouse. 

"Then I'll join RiverClan to be with Lighttail," Frostheart sighed. She then padded away, her tail drooping.

"What an interesting cat," Nightpaw murmured. "I'm going to go to sleep," she sighed, curling up in her nest.

Mudpaw finished the rest of his mouse and curled up for sleep, his chin resting on his paws. As darkness swallowed his vision, he couldn't help but think about why Clan cats thought these rogues were amazing.

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