Chapter Four

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"I'm not a scaredy cat." Loki growls.
"Yes, you are." Tony smirks as he's biting into an apple.
"No, I'm not." Loki pulls out a knife.
"Threat! I feel threatened." Tony yells.
Natasha goes behind Tony and pulls out her gun, aiming at Loki. Thor gets angry and wields his hammer, ready to defend his brother.

Bruce is in a corner trying his best to stay calm. Steve is next to him singing to him. I'm at the door letting Scott in when I feel an agitated room and a panicked Bucky closing in behind me.
"Y/n the Avengers are fighting!" He whimpers.
I take his hand and follow him upstairs to the living room with Scott following the two of us.

I turn the corner and see the situation. Using my powers, I calm the room and remove their weapons, even Thor's hammer. "What in the world is going on?" I shriek.
"He started it." Tony and Loki both point at each other.
"I don't care who started it. I can't believe you guys brought out your weapons, ready to kill each other. We're the Avengers. We're a family. Family don't kill each other." I say calming down as Scott pats my back.

Thor raises his hand and I know he wants to tell a story of one of the many ways Loki has almost potentially killed him. "Not now, Thor."
He lowers his hand and nods. I look at my watch. 7:45 am. "Where's Clint?" I ask annoyed.
"I'm up."
I turn around and see him dressed in his Rebel Nomad outfit.
"Finally.', I turn around, 'You guys listen to Scott. No more fighting or else I'll shut all of this down." I glare as I kiss Bucky on the top of his head. I miss Scott on the cheek and walk out of the tower with Clint in hand.

"My car is still being fixed so we're stuck with the subway today."
"That's fine."
I feel Clint being anxious.
"Clint are you okay?" I stop walking and kneel down to meet his eyes.
"Are you dating Scott?" He frowns.
I burst out laughing. "No, baby, no. He's just a friend.', I soothe him, 'Why do you ask?"
"I just don't want to lose you. You're my best friend and a great mom taking care of us."

A tear slips out of his eye. I can feel my heart tear. I reach my hand out and wipe his rear. "You'll never lose me. Friendship comes first." I smile and stick my pinky out.
"Pinky promise?" He challenges.
"Pinky promise."
Our pinkies connect and a smile grows on his face and we continue walking.
"What do you want to do today?"

"I want to practice my archery and go to the zoo."
We get on the subway and get off at Central Park.
"Archery or zoo first?" I buy 2 hot dogs and we sit on a bench.
We spend most of the morning training and Clint did multiple impressive bullseyes. As a reward, I accepted taking him to Queens to eat at Delmar's. Grown up Clint loves eating at Delmar's and it's actually where we met the first time and ended up becoming best friends.

We arrive and I have Clint sit at a stool.
"Hey Mr. Delmar!" I smile.
His eyes brighten up. "Little y/n! I haven't seen you since..."
"Two years."
"Yeah, how've you been?"
"I've been great. Work has been tough but rewarding."
"Great to hear. What can I get you?"

"2 of your world famous sandwiches, please!"
He hands me a tray. "Here you go. On the house."
I leave him a generous tip and join Clint at the stool. "How do you know him?" Clint chews on his sandwich.
"I grew up in Queens. I used to have a group of friends I'd hang out with here. I'm older than them by a few years. They should be college freshmen by now."
"Do you still talk to them?"
"Yeah, but I'm more in touch with one of them due to missions." I smile.

The bell jingles and a group of 4 walks in. I start cleaning up as Clint finishes eating.
"Y/n?" A tall girl asks.
"MJ!" I smile pulling her into a big hug.
"Ned! Flash! Peter!" I hug all of them.
"What are you doing here?" Peter grins.
"Whose the kid?" Flash questions.
"I've missed you!" Ned comes closer and gives me a another hug.

"I've missed you more! Avenger work sure can be hard at times."
"Peter manages." MJ smirks.
My eyes grow wide. I knew Ned knows about Peter but not MJ and especially not Flash.
"They know." Peter reassures.
I nod. "This is Clint."
Clint looks up amused. "What's up? You wanna see my arrows?"

Clint keeps the 3 entertained as Peter pulls me to the side.
"Government giving you trouble over Beck still?" I ask smoothing his ruffled hair.
"At times. Is that..."
"Mr. Stark?"
"Yup. They're all kids."
"Clint looks cute though."

A bright idea comes to mind. "Peter, do you want to babysit tomorrow? The whole gang can come over."
"Are you sure? Mr. Stark won't like that." He stutters.
"Are you kidding me? He'd love to have you."
A few seconds pass. "Sure."
We go back to the group and I take Clint with me back to the subway.

"They loved my arrows." He smiles. He gives me a hug and being honest, I would've never thought little boy Clint would be kinder and less of an ass than regular Clint. We get off our stop and I use my telekinesis to keep him from falling. He's still clumsy though. We spend the rest of the day at the zoo and soon we're on our way back home.
"Y/n can we get cupcakes for my siblings?"
"Aww, sure. That's very nice of you."

We make a quick stop to Molly's Cupcakes -'d soon make our way to the tower. Clint snatches the box of cupcakes and dashed to the living room, holding it up high. The other young Avengers gather around him with curious happy eyes.
"Cupcakes." Clint simply states.
He puts the box down and everyone goes crazy trying to get a cupcake, even Scott.

"Thank you so much for doing this, buddy." I wipe a bit of icing off his cheek.
"Of course! This was actually a great experience for me! They're no Cassie, but it was still nice getting to be a father for a few hours." He smiles as he finishes devouring his cupcake.
"When does Cassie get back from her trip?"
"Tonight. I'm taking her to a show tonight on Broadway."
"Ooh. Have fun!"

Scott shortly leaves and I set up a bath for each child in order to clean them up from their icing messes.
"Can I sleep in your room tonight, y/n? I keep having nightmares." Bucky pouts as he comes out of the restroom.
"Me too." Tony chirps, coming out of his room.
I pull them both into a hug. "Of course you can." I tickle the both of them and they go squealing for their blankets.

Bruce silently comes up to me with a number in his hand. "I know you usually pick, but I wanted to do it today." I shyly whispers.
I kneel down and kiss his forehead. "Thank you, Brucie! That is very kind of you."
I take the slip and see the number 2 is in it. I tuck Bruce in and head to Steve's room. I laugh softly at the sight of Cap wearing Captain America pajama onesies.

"I'm ready for bed, y/n/n." Steve smiles doing a soldier pose. I swiftly lift him up and carry him in my arms. "Yes, Little soldier." I wiggle my nose making him laugh. I tuck him in bed and give him a goodnight kiss on the top of his head.
"Good night, my sweet soldier. Tomorrow is all yours."

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