Red Wine and Old Records

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Right so this is my first time doing this I'm sorry if it sucks

Ship: memeulous x reader
Warning: alcohol, sadness, cheating, stuff like that

BF/N = Best Friend Name

~ = Timeskip


~ Your POV ~

You sat at your kitchen counter, the lights dimmed and a glass of wine in your hand. Taking slow sips every minute to try and drown your sorrows. You missed him but you knew he didn't miss you. Taking another sip you remember the day you first met.


You stumble onto the dance floor with BF/N and start dancing. Drink in one hand and BF/N's hand in the other. They spin you around but in your drunken state you lose your balance. You bump into the man next to you, spilling your drink all over him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention here I'll help you clean it off" you frantically digging through your bag for a napkin. 

"It's alright" The man laughed

"It really isn't, I should be more careful I'm so so sorry-"

"Seriously your fine, it's a black sweatshirt you can't see the stains. I don't care about my clothes anyway, it's okay". He smiled reassuringly making you feel safe. The two of you talked for a while and it felt like you'd both known each other for years. You learned his name was George, he had a YouTube channel and was doing really well off for himself. 

"Could I buy you a drink?" He asked

"Why would you do that? I spilled mine all over you?" 

"Exactly" he chuckled, "you don't have a drink anymore, so why don't I get you another?"


You go to take another sip from your glass when nothing comes out. You look at it and see it's dry, you open another bottle and fill the glass to the brim. You walk around your apartment feeling across every shelf. You find an old record and put it on. You look around the room and see your stilettos and smashed beer bottles. The music starts playing and it's a sad old violin song your grandmother used to play. You place your wine next to the record player and spin in circles along with the music. You can't stop thinking about George. You remember when he took you dancing, when you went to the beach, his name in your phone, and how he kissed that random girl at your birthday party. 


It was like time itself had stopped everywhere else around them. All you could see was them together. His arms around her waist, her hands in his hair. You wanted to match over there and pull him off of her but you couldn't move. You were frozen and the only thing you could do was watch. Why couldn't he see you? You were right there? Did you ever mean anything to him? You have him everything you had and more but you still weren't enough. You grabbed your things and went home in tears and nobody noticed you had left.


You sat on the floor with your face in your hands, you missed him. You missed him so fucking much. You know you shouldn't but all you wanted was to feel his arms around you, holding you so tight you couldn't breathe. You wanted to hear his bright laughter in your ears again, you wanted to see him in his dumb mask again, you wanted your late night talks, you wanted to beat him at fortnite, you wanted his voice, his love, his everything. Him.  You cried softly to yourself as the song slowly came to its end. 

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, you checked the time. 2:13 am.

"Who the fuck is there" you thought to yourself, grabbing a clothing hanger to protect yourself. You cautiously walked to the door and opened it slowly.

It was George. He looked like a right mess. His hair was ruffled, his eyes baggy, he smelled terrible. Like straight up horse shit. 

"Y/N" he said half whispering, as if he was shocked you were in front of him

"What the flying fuck do you want George" you said, you were still mad at him no matter how much you missed him

"I wanted to say sorry" 

"Great you said it, bye George" it hurts to say it but it would hurt more to let him in. You slammed the door in his face. You started walking back to your room to have another good cry  when your door flew open.

"Y/N wait!" George cried out running up to you

"George that's breaking and entering I could call the cops" you said shoving him away

"Let me explain myself please!" 

"Fine! You better not drag it out like you do with your fucking videos memeulous" you roll your eyes, then realizing how shit that insult was. 

"It was a mistake, she meant nothing to me. I haven't been eating, I miss you. You're all I fucking want and need in the whole world I don't care about anything or anyone else. I just want you" he said tears threatening to spill down his cheeks

"If you really wanted me you wouldn't have gone after her"

"I was drunk! I can't even remember what she looked like, let alone her name. I need you Y/N, look at me I'm a mess. And by the looks of things so are you. Please just take me back".

You threw yourself into his arms. You stood there for an hour just hugging him silently. The door still wide open. You let go of him to shut the door and walked into your room. He followed shortly after and the two of you climbed into bed. You stared into each other's eyes until the two of you fell asleep.

Kinda hate this ngl but whatever.

Please tell me if this sucked and give me suggestions cause idk what to write.

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