Abandoned Malls and Love Songs

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Tw// dark, spooky, I wrote this a month ago but whatever lol

Your breath hitches as you weave through the mannequins and broken clothing racks. You can't hear your footsteps over the song playing. The music is ringing in your ears. Your heart hammering hard in your chest as you run from whatever is there. You just wanted to have a fun night out with your friends. One by one. First Will, Then George, Fraser, James... All plucked like weeds.

"Guys c'mon! Let's actually do something" Will whined drunkenly dragging you and George with him.

"What do you wanna do?" James asked, jogging to catch up. You pulled yourself away from Will and stood next to James.

"I don't know" Will giggled, then tripping over his own feet, dragging George down with him.


"Shut it shorty"

"Guys!" You said pointing to the abandoned mall across the street "lets go in".

Your fault. Its your fault. If you hadn't suggested you went in this fucking mall none of this would've happened. The song glitched and stopped for a second, you hear footsteps coming closer, at a slow and leisurely pace. It's taunting you, getting you riled up before it strikes. You aren't stupid, you know what's happening. Yet somehow you can't move. You're frozen in space, entranced by the repetitive sound. The song suddenly starts again

"Stars shining bright above you"

You bolt.

"Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'"

What once was a sweet love song was now your living nightmare.

"Birds singing in a sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me"

You trip on a fallen clothing rack and fall to the ground, you lie there still, unable to to move.

"Say 'Night-ie night' and kiss me"

You try and get up yet it feels as if something is holding you down, nothing's there but you can't move.

"Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me"

Suddenly you're calm again. All of your worries have faded and the song sends you away to a beautiful dreamland

"While I'm alone, and as blue as can be"

A spring-like meadow with baby blue skies and cotton candy clouds. Apple trees and sunflowers surround you. In the distance you can make out a figure, they're singing the song

The colorful world fades away and you open your eyes but the song doesn't fade.

"Dream a little dream of me"

You jump up and keep running. The cotton candy meadow fully gone

"Stars fading but I linger on, dear, still craving your kiss"

You're exhausted. The adrenaline you had before is somehow leaving even though you're the most frightened you've ever been

"I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this"

You look around, down the broken escalator and across the mall is an old revolving door. The way out.

"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you"

You run down the escalator until you get to where there's a massive hole, you look down it and see a seemingly endless out with wires and rusted metal.

"Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you"

You take a few steps back and Sprint at full speed. You land on your knees just barely managing to get past the hole.

"But in your dreams whatever they be"

You're almost there, you're so close.

"Dream a little dream of me"

The song is caught on that line, a broken record. Suddenly the revolbing door stafts spinning. Insane winds come from every direction blowing broken glass and sticks around the mall. You panic. You cover your ears in hopes that the song will end. You sceam forgetting to keep yourself quiet. The music stops and you hear footsteps.

You whip your head around searching for something.

Are you alone? Physically yes. But you can feel someone else's presence nearby. Somewhere something, someone, is there. Eyes on you, you can feel it but you can't meet their gaze. You back up hoping find another way out when you hit something. Cold arms find there way around you and before you can scream their hands cover your mouth. You feel their hot breath on your ear when they whisper

"Got you~"


Bruh I have no idea what this is it's so bad sjsnndjdjs. I started this a month or so ago and forgot about it today

I finished this instead of packing so hope you liked it lol

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