Just Alex

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Warnings: none other than my shit writing
Ship: Alex x Reader
You always hated parties but your friends loved them so you went anyways. You were talking to Fraser and George about YouTube when your flatmate Will ran up to you.

"Y/N there's someone I want you to meet!" he said excitedly, dragging you across the room towards someone. He was fairly short probably less than 5'8, he had a fringe that slightly covered his baby blue eyes, and a bright pink sweatshirt with the words 'internet sensation' written on it. He looked familiar but you couldn't quite place where you had seen him before.

"Hi I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you!" you said with a smile

"'Ello I-I'm Alex" he said stuttering and looking down at the ground.

"Alex here makes 50k a month" Will said smirking.

"Will!" Alex said annoyed, his lisp shining through

"The money helps pay for his bathwater addiction" Will laughed.

You awkwardly nodded along knowing you were on the outside of an inside joke.

"W-well I've gotta gotta go... edit I-I'll see you guys another time" Alex said rushing to leave. You looked at Will confused and a bit worried

"What's up with him? Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah nothings wrong, that's just Alex" Will replied and the two of you headed back to your friends.

It had been a few weeks since you first met Alex and you hadn't stopped thinking about the cute 'internet sensation' from the club. You asked Will about him and found out he had a YouTube channel and often collabed with Will on s2w. You had seen him a few times when you edited Will's main channel stuff but he edited everything else.

You went into the kitchen to grab a snack when you saw Will, George, James, Fraser, and Alex all sitting in the living room.

"Y/N we're all about to get dinner do you want to come?" George asked. You were a bit offended that you weren't originally invited but you agreed. You all piled into the uber Will in the front, George, James, and Fraser in the middle, and You and Alex in the back. The two of you sat in an uncomfortable silence so you decided to start up a conversation

"So how's the camp cast going?"

"oh it's um-" Alex started, avoiding your gaze

"Dead mate" James butted in laughing making things even more awkward for you and Alex. The silence became even more unbearable after a while so you just started rambling about how much you loved tøp

"you like them?" Alex asked quietly

"yeah! they're probably one of my favorite bands"

"what's your favorite song?" he asked finally looking you in the eyes

"I don't know, I love so many of them. Tear in my heart, Trees, Car radio, House of gold, Chlorine..." The conversation went on until you pulled up at the restaurant. You thanked the driver and went in the building. The group sat down at the table, you were in between James and Fraser and were sat directly across from Alex.

"Hi my name's Aria and I'll be serving you today!" the waitress smiled, you noticed James staring at her for a little to long. You ignored him and continued talking with Alex. You didn't really talk to anyone else except for Alex. After the dinner you all waited outside for James who had built up the courage to ask the waitress out. He came out beaming and you all congratulated him.

On the way back to the tower you walked next to Alex, he noticed you were cold and offered you his hoodie which you gladly accepted. He went back to his flat with George and you waved goodbye to James and Fraser. You and Will walked to your flat in silence.

"So you and Alex huh?" Will said the second you got home

"What? it's just Alex, we're barely even friends" you said laughing but something about that made you a little sad.

It had been months since the dinner and you and Alex has become fast friends. You had just finished editing a video for Will, him and Alex were doing bad life hacks and one of the mics fell and broke Alex's laptop. It was pretty funny but you still felt terrible for Alex. That was just his luck.

Something about that boy always made you feel weird. You never knew exactly just what it was. Maybe it was the way his hair fell in front of his eyes, the way his laugh filled the room in the least obnoxious way possible, how he was always there when you needed a shoulder to cry on... but you were always just friends.

Your friends often commented on it. Especially James and Will but the answer was always the same.

"It's just Alex, we're just friends".

You looked down at the ground and examined your freshly painted nails. You were nervous. But you were ready. You played with some slightly loose fabric and took a deep breath. Looking up you saw a big brown door. On the other side of the door people were waiting. Your friends and family would all be there. Will, George, James, Fraser, Gee, Becky, Stephen, everyone.

Taking one final breath you linked arms with your father and the door opened. Everyone was there but you could only focus on one person and one person only. He looked amazing, a tailored suit with a baby pink shirt underneath. You blinked back a few tears and walked down the aisle as you thought to yourself.

"That's my Alex"


I think this might be my best one? I'm not sure lol.

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