Gamer Girl In the Rain

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Warnings: Injury, Bad writing
Ship: WillNE x Reader

You were sat on the couch with your feet on George's lap. Your eyes focused on the TV, hands clicking furiously on the switch trying to win the round of smash. George and Will had already gotten out but Alex was still playing strong. 

"Oh for fucks sake!"  Alex cried as he fell off the map, making you the winner

"That's right bitches!" You said jumping up, nearly kicking George in the face. Will ran over and gives you a high five. Alex gave you the £10 he owed you from the match mumbling to himself about how he deserved to win. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" You said walking to the door. When you opened it you saw a tall tattooed man holding 2 pizza box

"One large cheese and a large pepperoni?" He asked, something about him seemed off 

"Yup!" You replied, digging through your purse for the money and then handing him the cash. You go to take the boxes but he doesn't let go

"C'mon give us a kiss first" he said smirking

"Sir I already paid for the pizzas" you said tugging on the boxes harder

"Just one quick kiss and you're free to go" 

"Dude I paid already give me my fucking food" you said annoyed but with a slight tremor in your voice. He laughed lightly

"I wasn't asking love" he leaned in and right as you were about to throw some hands you felt an arm swoop around your waist. You looked up and saw Will standing there

"Hi, I'm Y/N's boyfriend and I'd really appreciate it if you could just give us our pizzas. We already paid and we wouldn't want the pizzas to get cold" he said with a smile but his eyes were stone cold. The delivery guy mumbled a quick apology and handed you the pizzas. 

"Thank you" you said to Will as you placed the pizzas on the counter

"It's no problem, that guy was a massive weapon anyways". He handed you a slice of pizza and you felt butterflies fly around your stomach. What's going on? You thought to yourself. 

~ Timeskip cause I'm too lazy ~

You hugged Will goodbye and you sat on the couch with Alex and George

"Alright I've gotta go edit now, goodnight guys" George said leaving to his room.

Make that just Alex. The two of you sat in an uncomfortable silence and you just took small sips of your water

"What's up with you and Will" Alex says not looking to from his phone

"W-what?" You said nearly choking on your water

"You heard me Y/N" Alex said rolling his eyes

"Nothing's going on with us! I don't know what you're talking about" you said quickly

"So the quick glances, the smiles, the blushing, the random hugs, and the constant flirting is just nothing?" 

"You must be seeing things" you said looking down at the ground.

"Y/N he likes you too, it's really obvious and it's painful to watch you two at this point. Just go talk to him. I'm gonna go to bed now and I don't expect you to be here tomorrow" Alex said standing up

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Oh you know" he laughed and went into his room.

Does he really like me? Alex could just be messing with me. I don't even like Will! I mean sure he's really cute and makes me happy whenever he's around but we're just good friends. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. Right?

Suddenly you realized that all those moments you had with Will weren't something 'just friends' would do. All those hugs that lingered for a second to long, the offhanded looks, the way you felt whenever he walked in the room… You were in love with Will.

You ran out of the flat, locking the door behind you then sprinting down the stairs not bothering to take the elevator. You ran outside and immediately felt the pouring rain hit you hard

"Since when was it raining? The fuck?" You muttered to yourself "whatever it should be romantic if I burst in soaking wet from the rain. Be all cliche and cute or something"

You sprinted down the street trying to get to Will, you slip and fall on the wet cold pavement, scraping your knee on the sidewalk.

"Oh fuck oh shit" you look at your knee and see your leggings ripped and a nasty cut. "This really isn't going as planned" you sigh. You get up and limp the rest of the way there. You stop at a crosswalk, the only thing standing between you and (hopefully) true love. You leant against a telephone pole and wince at the pain in your leg. You get nervous, you waited for the light to turn green and your hands began to shake.

 If he says no your friendship could be ruined, what if Alex was wrong? The light turned green. You hesitated but begin to step forward. You limp towards the flats. You take the elevator upstairs. You went straight to his apartment door. You took a drop breath and knocked on Will's door.

The door opened and you saw a tired Will standing there "Y/N what are you doing here? You're soaked and what happened to your knee is everything oka-"

You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. At first he didn't react but eventually he kissed you back. Without breaking the kiss he shut the door and lead you further into his apartment.

And Alex was right. You weren't home the next morning and when you came home that afternoon you had hickeys all across your collarbones.

I hope you guys like this one!

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