Part 3

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After that kiss, it was like the relationship I had with Josh opened new doors. We were texting very often and we hung out every day. People thought we were dating. I was hanging out more with his friends and he was hanging out more with my friends. We were nearing exam period. This one day, the official presentation of the play happened in the morning. All morning. I scored a spot in the back of the auditorium next to Joshua. He and all of his friends were on my right, while Mariah and some of my friends were on my left. The play went really well and the fifteen minute intermission they gave us was very organized.

Finally, it was past noon when it ended. The auditorium was buzzing with noise as people got up and stretched. People started to leave but then a mic on stage made a noise and our principal's clear voice sounded out. "Everyone," Mr. Hans said. "Please take a seat and give me your attention for one moment please. I have something to say, I'll let you guys go right after." People reluctantly started to sit back down. After waiting a little while for everyone to settle and the auditorium to quiet down, Mr. Hans spoke again. "So, I would like to start off by thanking Mrs. Rufer for organizing this event. It was wonderful in all honesty. All students who took part in the play, or helping in the play, did a wonderful job." People started to clap again, giving one more round of applause for the success of the play.

Mr. Hans clapped, a big smile spread across his face, before he continued to speak. "Alright so, aside from the amazing play we just saw, you all know that you have classes to attend in the afternoon." People groaned. "I know," Mr. Hans said. He seemed amused. "But, because of how fun this morning was, I know you all are giddy. Too giddy to go to class and stay focused. Plus, you guys have your exams very soon. That's why, I'm gonna let you guys go home to study and call it a day." People started to get excited. I knew I was. "Seriously guys, study. And there are helpful resources here if you choose to stay in the school for the afternoon." People were already getting loud before he dismissed us.

Finally, I was out of the auditorium and heading towards the foyer where the entrance was, with Josh by my side. We reached the foyer, which was crowded and buzzing with people. I took a seat on one of the large window ledges by Josh. We sat close together and waited for our friends to find us through the crowd. Josh gently nudged his shoulder against mine. "What'd you think of the play?" he asked me over the noise.

I smiled. "Not bad at all. It really showed how well Mrs. Rufer prepped for it."

Josh nodded. "True, true."

"You?" I asked. "What did you think?"

"Also the same. That it wasn't bad at all. The two main characters were my favourite."

"I also-" I never got to finish my sentence since that was when our friends decided to pop up.

Mariah put her arms around me. "There you are!"

"What's up?" Nick stood by Josh.

"What are you up to?" Meena asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I looked around at my friends. "Are you guys going home?"

Meena shook her head and looked at Abby and Preena. "Um, no. We're actually gonna be in the library, probably till like, the library closes or till their parents come to get them."

I nodded. "Oh."

"What about you?"

"Um, I don't know. I might just go home."

We all ended up going upstairs to our lockers. Josh and Nick accompanied me to my locker. I started to take my bag out. "Oh, so you're really leaving?" Josh asked.

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