Part 13 (Ending)

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The following day was a Friday and I made all the effort I could to get up and go to school despite how tired and lousy I felt. Trevor improved my day of course. So did Crystal and Ned, who joined us for lunch. Mariah spoke to me a bit that day when the boys, a.k.a "Ex Squad," weren't around. Of course, she tried to butter me up and said that they missed me. Whatever. I wasn't gonna ask her to choose. She already had - clearly.

Later, after school, at around 5:30p.m., I received a call. Josh. I closed my eyes and sighed. What. Did. He. Want? I reluctantly picked up after a couple of rings. "So, you're never comin' back to the group chat?"

That was what the call was about? I rolled my eyes. "No," I answered dryly.

"Hm." Silence. "Look, if it's me you're mad at-"

"It doesn't matter," I interrupted. "I'm over it."

"You're not acting like you're over it," he muttered.

"How am I acting?" I really wanted to know.

"Like a bitch." I heard his answer loud and clear.

I scoffed. "Wow, thanks."

"You asked, I answered." Smart-ass.

"So that's what you really think of me."

"Sometimes, yes. Especially lately."

"So then, what was your purpose in calling?"

"To fix this. Us, our situation."

"What's the point of fixing it if I'm a bitch?"

"Oh. My. God." Josh sounded annoyed. "This right here is the problem. Your constant need to argue."

"Due to your constant need to say something stupid."

"What have I said that was dumb?" Josh challenged.

"Gosh, it would take an eternity to name all."

"Name one."

"You saying that I'm skipping when you know my situation." I heard him sigh.

"It's a joke." Haha, so funny.

"Literally, the only person who seems to care is Trevor." Okay, maybe I didn't need to mention his name.

"Right." Josh scoffed but he sounded hurt. "That's why you guys have been all over each other lately? Him carrying your books... I see."

What? "We're only friends. He's been a good one," I pointed out.

"Yeah, that'll change to something else soon..." Josh sounded sure. "You never even liked me..."

Huh? I was surprised by the sudden accusation. "What are you even talking about?"

"This whole time, I've liked you more than you've liked me."

I felt guilty by the truth he was speaking and immediately opened my mouth to spare his feelings and assure him that wasn't true. But I stopped myself. If I was so convinced that I cared about him, I wouldn't be lying to him. It was really time to face this issue head-on. Just like Crystal had told me before summer. I didn't wanna hurt anybody anymore. Particularly Josh in this case. I sighed. "It's not even that. Not all things are meant to work out. Some people can make a good team but not be compatible as a couple."

"But we established that it didn't have to be a full relationship thing and was more a friends with benefits type of thing."

"With no strings, but there were definitely a lot of them. Too many mixed emotions. And I can't have you lashing out at me every time you get in your feelings."

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