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It was October thirty first.
My favourite day of the year... Halloween.

While I laid awake in my bed, I have heard the faint laughter of dumb teenagers daring to enter the woods; ten minutes later I would hear their strangled screams as the monsters in these woods ended their unfulfilled lives.

I cannot lie that I have grown quite bored; even though I shouldn't, my heart was almost itching for something to happen.

Most of the time I was alone. Clockwo- I mean Natalie, would go out everyday and kill, look out for any of the other killers or get food.
My day, on the other hand, would consist of me drawing, eating, sleeping and playing with the bat I found.

I would ask to go outside but since the other killers wanna rip my guts out for no apparent reason... it's pretty much impossible to even go on the front porch.

It doesn't bother me that much though, I somewhat enjoy having my organs inside my body like a regular human being; even though I don't really fall under the category of 'normal' anymore.

I lean on the window in my room as I watch the sun slowly start to rise.
The dark almost black sky vibrantly turned into a reddish purplish one. The gold sun slowly peaked out, it's rays making its way through the thick trees.

Natalie was still out... and she left yesterday.
I am kinda nervous, she has never taken this long before; but of course I wouldn't know, I have been sleeping the whole time since she left at night.

A deep sigh escapes my lips as I run my fingers through my hair.
I hope she comes back.

As much as I want to say I hate Natalie... I can't.
I can't anymore.
Now that we actually established a friendship I've noticed how fun she can  be.
It wasn't just that though... she actually understood me.

I don't really know if I'm just over-exaggerating since I've never really had an actual 'best friend' before; I could just be seeing this situation a little bigger than it really is.

It would be fun to fantasize the idea of her being... normal, and us being close, but every time i try to, the vision pops with the sight of her with a blood covered detached arm.
Then, at that moment, I would realize no matter how hard I try... we can't be normal anymore. We are both too far away from the final possibility of us actually being normal.

I rested my head on my the palm of my hand as I felt my eyelids become heavy. I could slowly feel myself drift off into a dreamless day dream until-


My eyes widen and my body jerks towards my desk
where the noise came from.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I realize it was just my bat that rolled off my desk.
I wouldn't really call it a 'sign' that something other than me was in my room since the bat was already on the edge to begin with.

Silently chuckling to myself, I walk over to it; crouching down to pick the bat up.

As I slowly picked the object up I could hear a faint tap coming from behind me.
My head turned to the direction of the window behind me and I could feel my heart quicken as I look at the... person.
He looked like a male, with his head cocked to the side curiously.

It wasn't Jack though, that's for sure. The person had a pair of orange goggles and a mouth guard with silver lines going across it. He had thick untamed brown hair that went in all different directions.

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