A Theory

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Do you ever just stop to think?
About anything...
There are so many things to think about.
All the people in the world perhaps?
All of those who've passed on?
All of our loved ones who have yet to enter this world?
Those we can save from the horrors that are slowly devouring this world.

Why not?
Why can we not stop our ever so busy lives to do that?
It, it isn't as simple as it used to be.
We've got all this new confusing, and not to forget life-consuming, technology,
Isn't this a problem people should be taking seriously?
Our relationship should be more important than a follower count.

When this generation has children, are we going to seperate ourselves from them?
In our adulthood, we'll be sitting in the same room as our families,
On thanksgiving, on christmas, at a wedding
But we won't even look at each other, nt one blink.
We'll just text each other and sit there staring at the typing symbol
Waiting for our chance to reply.

What if you were to put down your phone
Or close your laptop,
What would you do?
Where would you go?
What if you picked up a pencil and write a story?
And that story turned into a book?
And that book became a bestseller?
But you're too busy updating a Facebook status, and posting a new instagram picture,
You'd never even know it.

We're so clueless to all of our possibilities wide open around us.
We are blind to everything good that could come our way.
If you'd just put away the phone, turn off the television, and close the computer.

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