Chapter 21

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Amelia's POV

Everywhere was dark when I woke up. Had I slept for that long? Where's Ralph? Oh, Ralph! He must think that I've been pretending to be who I'm not. I really hope I didn't scare him away.

Remembering those days were the most painful. It was as if I was reliving them again. I thought I could talk about them like it was in the past without feeling any pain but I was wrong.

Ralph was right then. I had to seek help. That was the only way out of this to be truly happy. I don't want to keep faking being the happiest person when I'm still terribly hurt. I'm tired of putting on a show.

I need to deal with who I am on the inside. I know, though it is obvious, that it is affected a whole lot of things. My relationship with my peers, my attitude towards issues.

Ralph was right. My trust issues stemmed up from this. I need to change my approach to life, not just portraying the perfect person but being perfect on the inside. Tensing to my inner bruises, ensuring they heal so that they cause me pain no more.

I stood up from the bed and was about stepping out of the room when my eyes took me to see the one who had been snoring quietly on the sofa in the room. Ralph. He must have been really exhausted. I stroke his jaw and place a kiss on his temple.

As soon as I turned to leave him, his hands pulled me in and I fell on him.

"You're not trying to leave me, are you? " he asked.

"No, I wasn't. I was actually looking for you. I was about to leave the room in search for you when I found you here, sleeping. " I said.

He stood up and pulled me up with him. He clapped once and the lights came on. Cool!

"So, where were we ? " he asked.

"Somewhere along the lines of eloping, " I said, smiling.

"No, you are going nowhere. You are stuck with me. And it's not an option of what you want again. Don't you dare leave me! I will hunt you and chase you down. "

"Yes, boss! " I said and saluted.
We both laughed at my bad attempt at saluting.

"It's been a long time coming though. I mean, I chased you for a whole year to accept my offer for investment. Truth is that I just needed an excuse to be close to you. I felt the closer I got, the better my chances. But you are one very wicked girl.

Who resists such beautiful charms! Only you Amy. But it was indeed worth the wait. Those times we met in public weren't coincidences. I always knew where you were. I had a little help in that area. Don't ask me who, not going to tell " he said

"I think I have a pretty good idea who your little informant is mister," I said.

"So, what's next? We can always go to Santorini later. Whatever you decide is fine with me but I want to know what you want to do.

You've said a lot, today baby. I know it still hurts but you need to let go of it so that it doesn't rob you of a bright and wonderful future, my love. I'm not rushing you into anything. I'm just saying that wherever you lead, I'll follow. Just say the word babe "

"Thank you for staying with me. These past few months have been my best so far. You've spoilt me for another man. I really can't see any future of mine without you in it. I want to enjoy all that love brings with it.

I know that I need help. I started seeing a counselor late last month. She encouraged me to tell you about it. It wasn't really easy opening up to her. I almost changed my decision to see her when I got to her office but now I'm happy I stood by my decision.

She has really helped me a lot. I'm still in the process of healing and forgiving everyone who hurt me. I know it's going to take a while but I will be fine at the end of it all.

I'm not going to cower behind my fear any longer or pretend like they don't exist. I'm going to face them. I won't let them bring me down or deprive me of the beautiful things in this world.

Thank you for being patient with me. I'm really glad I have you. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you " I said hugging him.

"I will always be here my love. Always and forever " he said.

What more could I ask for? I have everything I need. I have someone who loves me, understands my shortcomings and cherishes me just the way I am. This is what makes life enjoyable. To love and be loved. 

"You know what? Let's go to Santorini tomorrow morning. Let's go and have some fun! "

"Yeah, baby! " he shouted.

Santorini here we come!!!! So excited!

Epilogue coming up next!

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