Haru POV
Water is warm and comforting. It's not confusing and doesn't get confused. It's not full of hate or grudges and when you're in it you don't have to think. I love the water I wish I could stay in this state forever.
"HARU IM COMING IN, BUT I HAVE MY EYES COVERED SO DON'T WORRY!" I stood up from my tub and pulled my friend's hands off his slightly red face. "Oh, good you're wearing a swimsuit" he said sighing, "if you don't hurry up we're gonna be late for school." "Okay let me go make my lunch." I said walking to the kitchen.Makoto POV
Did she not hear me or something? I quickly stop by Haru's room to grab her uniform then follow her to the kitchen, sure enough Haru is cooking mackerel. "Hey don't you ever get tired of that fish?" I asked trying to fill the silence, already knowing the answer. "No, I am getting tired of my hair getting in the way though" Haru replied nonchalantly brushing her wet hair back. "Why not just cut it then?" I asked, genuinely curious this time. Then Haru gave me a look that said she didn't think of that before and went back to packing her lunch. Of course. "Okay well I'm gonna grab your backpack and wait by the door please don't make us late on the first day of school! Oh and your uniform is right here." I quickly walked out as Haru just finished packing her lunch as I knew all too well she had no problem changing in front of others. About fifteen minutes pass till Haru finally came out. "Hey what took you so long- oh my god you cut your hair!?" Haru's long hair that she's been growing out since we were in elementary school was now a short pixie that was very obviously rushed, but somehow still looked nice.(think of Haru's actual hair except on a female Haru) "You told me to cut it." She said while grabbing her bag and gently shutting my gapping mouth. "What- Haru I asked why you didn't cut if you said it was annoying!" I said while trying to walk in pace with Haru. "Well either way I like this better. It's easier to manage and better for swimming." Haru said. Of course.Haru's POV
"Are you still not gonna wear the girls uniform? I know it's not against school rules, but you're the only girl that does it. Also you can't spend all your time in that tub! Summer is coming soon enough can't you wait till the-"
The way to school passes by the ocean. The ocean is such a beautiful thing it's infinite and full of life. I wish I could go swimming now, but it's currently too cold. I have to wait a whole 3 months before I can be reunited with the Ocea-
"HARU!" I look up to see Makoto glaring at me. "I was talking, if you don't want me to talk then say so! Don't tune me out that's just rude." Makoto continued with a pout. "Sorry Mako~Chan." I said tugging on his sleeve. Makoto's scowl dissolved into an embarrassed face as calling him Mako~Chan is something I rarely do nowadays. "So anyways as I was saying what did you do over break?" Makoto asked grinning from ear to ear. "Sat in my tub, bought a new swimsuit, ate mackerel." I replied. "Thought so, by the way when are you gonna start wearing the girls uniform?" "When it gets warmer." I said. "Oh okay makes sense." We stood in front of the school. Time to start a new year."Miss Haruka Nanase?" I raised my hand and the teacher raised her eyebrows before bowing. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were a boy." The class giggled as Makoto spoke for me. "No actually Haru is a girl she just doesn't like the girls standard uniform that's all." The teacher turned beat red and started apologizing before moving on. I looked out the window towards our schools warn out and unused pool. I really wish I could swim right now.
Iwatobi swim club! Free(fem Haru au)
FanfictionSo um when I was looking for female Haru stories they all kinda grossed me out. Soooo like with the female Deku story imma write my own. There's gonna be some romance sprinkled in, but not to the point where it makes you stop out of disgust. Also so...