before - finding motivation & my personal tips

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A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.

━━ Susan Sontag



━ Everyone is capable of writing.

━ Practice makes you better; just keep pushing through.

━ Handle criticism well from others, from yourself.

━ Writing is simple, but never easy.

━ Just write anything; everyone's work is unique.

━ Stop worrying about being 'good', just write.

━ ALWAYS read back your work.



━ What do I want to write? (Brain storm your ideas!)

━ What audience am I aiming this towards?

━ Make a list of the character names you'd like to use.

━ Break up your story into three primary parts:

Beginning, middle and end.

━ Create drafts, in reference to the sections mentioned above.

━ Go through with notes, criticise yourself

and highlight things you want to add, things you want to change.



━ Keep reminding yourself the reason why you're writing

Refer back to the questions above:

Who are you writing for?

What is your main goal?

━ Imagine yourself writing

Picture your fingers hitting the keyboard, or your pen scraping across the page. Trick your mind into believing that you're writing something.

━ Find somewhere clean and quiet to begin

Surround yourself with a nice candle, soft music perhaps and the less distracted you are, the more you get into it. Sometimes, switching up your environment can have a huge impact on your quality of writing.

━ Look at your old notes, drafts

I strongly believe criticism is key. You have to be able to read through your notes and tell yourself 'no, that's shitand if you have to refer to your draft 20+ times, damn, even if you have to write 20+ drafts, so be it.

*Also: ask a friend/relative to critique your work.

━ Take breaks(!)

Take a break, come back to your work in a few hours time - even days.

If you sit for hours on end, you'll begin to feel burnt our and lost for ideas/motivation.


━ Listen to music that fits your writing

For example: 'a love story'

Listening to Taylor Swift, or Ed Sheeran might give you inspiration as to what to write next.

Let yourself actually feel the emotions.

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