before - types of narration

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*courtesy of*



1. First Person

━ Uses 'I'

━ Inner thoughts of the character, can only be revealed through what the narrator knows and what the character chooses to tell the reader

━ Can be a main character, or a less-involved character

2. Second Person

━ Uses 'You'

━ This point of view is used to address the audience in how something

should be done, how the story should be told.

━ 'You,' 'You're,' and 'Your.'

3. Third Person

━ Similar to the first person

━ What the narrator perceives and knows is only available to the reader

━ Uses 'He' or 'She'

━ Other characters feelings and beliefs are only available through

the narrators impressions or understanding.

(these may be limited or biased)

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