New Beginnings

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"Ow...what-what happened?" Anti murmured as he pushed himself up off of the floor, looking around at the chaos surrounding him.

"Oh hey Robbie, what's up bro?" Anti questioned the zombie, spotting him curled up on the couch with tears in his eyes.

"Robbie's friends hurt, Robbie scared." The zombie whimpered as he curled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them.

"Hey, it's okay bud, we're all good." Anti assured Robbie as he reached out towards him with a small smile, the zombie flinching back with a soft whine.

Anti frowned in confusion before turning around, breathing out a sigh of relief when he saw the others begin to stir.

Marvin was the next to wake up, the mute rubbing his head as he sat up and looked around the room.

"Hey M.M, you doing good man?" Anti grunted as he helped him up, the male nodding in response while flashing Anti a thumbs up with his free hand.

"Ugh, I bet this was Chase's fucking fault." Jackie groaned as he sat up, slapping away a piece of debris so he could grab his knife from where it was laying on the floor by the couch.

"Hey! Well, I guess that's a fair assumption." Chase grunted as he woke up, rubbing his aching head as he stood up with a wince.

"Jesus...anyone hurt?" Jameson questioned the group as he sat up, his Irish accented voice with a British lilt filled with concern.

"Robbie no get why friends no same." Robbie mumbled, his words ignored by the other egos as they surveyed the broken glass and debris.

"I'll clean zhis up, I don't vant anyone getting hurt." Schneeple volunteered, scooping up the larger pieces of destroyed furniture before chucking them into the trash can.

"I'm going to my room, and I swear if any of you bother me, I'll fucking ripping your vocal chords out." Jackie threatened as he stormed off into his room, M.M instinctively touching his throat with wide eyes.

"I have work to get done, only come see me if it's an emergency." Jameson sighed as he retreated into his room as well.

"I'll just...I'll be in my room practicing my magic." Chase chimed in before walking off, leaving only Schneeple, M.M, Robbie, and Anti in the living room.

"M.M, you want some tea bro?" Anti interjected to change the subject as he walked into the kitchen, already filling the kettle with water as M.M entered the room.

M.M grabbed out two mugs and put them on the table while Anti places the kettle on the oven, searching the cabinets for tea.

"I call this one, the mug shot!" Anti exclaimed as he tossed the tea bags at the mugs, one flying over the mug while the other one managed to land on the rim.

"OH! OH MY GOD!" Anti cheered as he ran around the room in victory, M.M laughing silently as he picked up the tea bag lying on the floor.

"Hey, do ya think we have any alcohol around here?" Anti wondered aloud as M.M threw away the tea bag that had been on the floor, the mute shaking his head in disapproval with a frown.

"Oh come on, it won't kill ya if you help me look bro." Anti encouraged, M.M rolling his eyes as he followed Anti out of the kitchen.

"Who should we ask?" Anti asked M.M as he glanced at the doors of the closed rooms, the mute simply shrugging in response before moving back towards the kitchen.

"Bro, don't be such a wuss." Anti chuckled as he grabbed M.M's arm, keeping him from leaving as Anti approached the door to Jameson's room.

"He's a doctor, surely he has some kind of booze around." Anti reasoned as he knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" The doctor called back, the sound of papers shuffling audible in the background as well as the rolling of an office chair across the floor.

"Doc, you got any booze? I could go for some whiskey right now." Anti whined childishly, Jameson instantly cracking the door open enough so his blue eyes could meet Anti's.

"Anti, you know you have a drinking problem." Jameson remarked, starting to close the door before Anti stuck his foot in the way.

"C'mon Doc, just one drink and I'll go." Anti pleaded, shooting Jameson his best puppy dog eyes as the doctor let out a long sigh of exasperation.

"Why do you want one anyway?" Jameson prompted, Anti's expression shifting into confusion as his gaze fell to the floor.

"Maybe the alcohol helps or something, but I can't remember anything about Stacy or the kids. All I know for sure is that they exist and I miss them with every fiber of my being." Anti admitted, Jameson nodding thoughtfully.

"I see...either way, I don't have anything." Jameson stated, gently nudging Anti's foot out of the doorway with his own before closing it in Anti's and M.M's face.

M.M tapped a finger on his chin before his expression abruptly brightened, the kettle beginning to squeal loudly.

"Fine, guess I'll get some later." Anti conceded reluctantly, following M.M back into the kitchen so the pair could enjoy tea together.

"Hey M.M, you ever get the feeling that something's...different? Like maybe you're not really who you think you are?" Anti asked as he picked up his mug, blowing on the tea before taking a small sip.

M.M rubbed his chin thoughtfully before slowly shaking his head no, holding his mug in his hands as wisps of steam curled out of it.

"Oh..." Anti trailed off as he looked at his reflection in the tea, wishing he could remember why he had a scar on his neck or why he missed a wife and kids he barely remembered.

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