Halloween Special+Contest Results!

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Hey, Sorry I couldn't post until now, Wattpad destroyed what I had so re-writing the thing took even longer. This ship will be of NoahCraftGaming, which is NoahCraftFTW X AshleyMarieeGaming, and while it's not an official ship, I honestly wish it was. Okay, the next ship is Simdil.

P.S: You have no CLUE, how many times I cringed and squirmed because of this. I literally had to go back and ask Sera to help me write it.

Ashley's Pov

I sighed as I looked on Amazon. There just weren't any good costumes anymore. I looked to my phone as soon as it buzzed, Noah's name popping up on the screen. It was an 'I love you' text. I sighed again and placed my phone face down.


He has always been the one for me. We started dating three years ago after over a decade of friendship. We were really happy together, and there are have been times where we may have gone, a bit 'too far'.

I don't blame him completely. Its in his nature for being a Herobrine Hybrid to be a little over-aroused at times. However, he's stopped that trait for awhile and seems really preoccupied, what with Factions, and recordings. It just doesn't feel the same.

I should be happy, right? That he stopped with the 'molesting'. But, in a way, it made me feel special, like it was meant for me and only me. So that's why I'm here, on Amazon, looking for a provocative outfit to wear on Halloween which was in a week. I finally gave up after an hour. There really was nothing good anymore! I finally closed my laptop when my phone started to ring again. This time, it was a FaceTime call from Alexandra. Maybe she could help. I picked up the call and placed in my earbuds.

"Hey Ashley, what's up?" She asked me as soon as the phones connected. "I'm good Alex, but I think I need some help with something." I explained my problem, and by the end of my story, she nodded in understanding. "I think I can help you with that. I know a terrific Halloween store that opens only in October, just for these moments. Meet me at Budder Street in fifteen minutes." I smiled happily at her proposal and nodded. "I'll see you there. And by the way, don't let Noah see you in any of the costumes. Only on Halloween." I raised my eyebrow and sat there after I hung up. Why couldn't Noah see it? I know that its a surprise, but it sounded like she wanted it to be extra hidden. Oh well, what do I know. She's a time sorceress, after all. I got up and started getting ready to meet her.


Twenty minuets later, we were standing at Ghosts, Ghouls, and Despair. As we opened the door, a met a sight I never expected. A girl, maybe in her teens was in all white, her hair was white, and everything about her was, well, white! That included her eyes. There were a Herobrine-ish white, yet they seemed duller in comparison. She looked at the two of us and smiled, giving a small wave to where we were. I'm not usually so judgmental, but she was giving me the creeps.

"Welcome to the store, my name's Vespa. What are you looking for today?" She asked, slowly gliding over to us, and yes, I did say gliding. Guess she was a Lost Soul. I snapped back into consciousness as Alex elbowed me in the side, her eyebrow raised. I coughed, slightly embarrassed. "Oh, um, I'm trying to find a provocative outfit to erm, tease my boyfriend back into his 'habits'." Vespa looked at me for a second before her face twisted into a devilish smirk. She rubbed her hands together before nodding; that smirk was still there.

"I think I may have just what you want." She glided back over to a costume rack, and flipped costume to costume until she found what she was looking for. "Would this work for you, Miss Gaming?" I looked at her in shock. "How do you-" I trailed off, insure how I wanted to phrase that. "How I know you're name? I'm a Lost Soul, I know most of the people who walk In here just by looking at them. Plus, with your Youtube Channel, how would I not know?" She said, completing my incomplete question, bringing the costume back with her. Alex and I both widened our eyes at the sight of the costume.

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