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I still don't remember much of what happened that moment after a whole year's time. People always say you never forget seeing someone die. But I guess I'm different than most people. Maybe I don't remember because it happened so fast. One minute his chest is rising and falling steadily. The next it's moving fast to be normal and the next it stops moving all together. As if he never took a breath in his life. As if he never existed. And to the rest of the world it will be that way. No one will remember him. No one will miss him out there. No one will care. With the exception of me. Maybe it's because it was all so unbelievable. Who would ever think you would, at the age of 16 witness the death of the of a six year old boy who on top of that happened to be your brother?

I don't know. I probably never will and I don't want to. I don't want to remember. To remember is to feel. And in my case to feel is to hurt. Who wants to hurt? I know I don't.

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