Chapter 6

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Why? Why is just that every time I think I've hit rock bottom, life always manages to find a way to push me even deeper into the ground. I'm stuck in the ground and it's gonna take a while to dig myself out. And once I do I'll fall right back in.
Josh. That's the only thing on my mind right now. I run up to the nearest person I see.
"Excuse me? Excuse me?" The lady doesn't even stop to look at me. I run past her to the next person and they actually stop this time.
"Excuse me? Have you seen a little boy with brown hair about 4 feet tall run past here?" I say breathless not from running but from the shock of him missing.
"I don't have time for this." And he pushes past me. What is wrong with these people god dammit. They just don't care. I continue racing across the sidewalks looking for any sign of him.
What am I doing? If I had just stayed with our foster parents Josh wouldn't be gone. I wouldn't be scared out of my mind. I keeping looking and I keep asking people if they've seen him with no results. I eventually think he's gone forever. No. That's wrong I can still feel him. I still feel the push and pull of him somewhere close. It's not like a telepathy thing or whatever. It's like I still have hope if finding him.
I stop my wild search to catch my breath. I lean against the nearest building and slide to a sitting position. My face is still wet with tears.
I have to call the police. They have a better chance of finding him than one emotionally wrecked 16 year old. I look around for anyone where I could possibly borrow a phone and realize I'm back on the same street with the The Book Store.
With a renewed burst of energy I get up and run across the street dodging the cars as I go. Opening the door to the store I'm blasted with that pleasant comforting smell and it helps calm my nerves just the tiniest bit. Immediately I see the lady that works here crouching down in front of someone.
Right then I feel a huge rush of relief and a weight is lifted off my back making the memories a little easier to carry.
"Josh! Where have you been?" Tears of joy and relief come rushing down as I run over to him and take him into my arms. Before I know it I'm sobbing and holding him tightly as if someone might try to take him away from me.
"I was in the bathroom." I finally hear him say.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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