Chapter 5

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"Okay, hunger problem solved. Now I just need to find a place for us stay and and a flow of cash to help us survive and build a better life for us. Simple enough." I mutter to myself as we pass through the doors of the diner.
I stop and take in my surroundings trying to remember how to get to the park from here. I decide to just start walking, hoping something might ring a bell.
Sure enough I stop abruptly. There's a shabby looking bookstore across the street that's all too familiar. I know where we are now. The store is called The Book Store; a pretty straightforward name I think. Maybe they're hiring. I love books, they give me a chance to escape a world of cruel memories. Kind of like how Josh has his little spy game to block out reality.
"Wanna go check out The Book Store Josh?"
"I can't read very well. But you could read to me if you want." He says.
"Gladly. I would love to read for you."
We cross the crowded street carefully.
Inside the shop I can smell hot chocolate and something baking. It's beautiful there's rows upon rows of books that are separated by genre such as mystery, action, teen fiction, romance. There's also a section for used books which are probably much cheaper. There's an area with mismatched couches and arm chairs to read in. At the register I can see they sell hot chocolate, tea, and assorted baked goods. This place is my safe haven. God it smelled good.
Get a grip on yourself Paige. That's not what you're here for. I sigh.
"Hey, why don't you go look over there for a good looking book to buy?" I point him towards the used aisle. It's probably the only thing we can afford at the moment.
He let's go of my hand and I immediately feel an absence if warmth that his touch created. Watching him walk away I go over to the register which is unattended. There's an old fashioned service bell with a note taped to it that's says "ring for service". I look back at Josh who's pulling books off the shelf and judging them by its cover. I guess he has no better judgement if he can't read so well yet.
A dark skinned woman, who looked to be in about her mid 20s walked out from a door behind the register. She was wearing an apron with flour spattered all over it. She'd probably been baking.
"How may I help you?" She asks in a cheery voice. I can hear Christmas music playing in the room she came from. It's not anywhere near Christmas. She must be one of those people who are in the spirit all year. They can be annoying at times.
"Hello!" I put on a smile. "I was wondering if there was-" my eyes drifted over to Josh and I suddenly realize he's not there anymore. My heart skips a beat then stops.
"Is there something wrong?" She asks with genuine concern.
I ignore her and run over to where he'd been the book he was looking at was lying open on the floor. I tear across the store looking for any sign of him at all and find nothing. I start tearing up with panic and fear. I can't lose him, I can't.
"Ma'am what's wrong?" She asks again.
"Did you see a little boy standing over here just a second ago? Where'd he go he has to be here." Tears are spilling down my cheeks and without waiting for an answer I sprint out of the store hoping and praying nothing bad happened to him.

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