A Dwarf, 4 Monarchs and Inexpedient Attire

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'I'm dying' was the thought Lilith Moore had almost accepted as she struggled with the rope binding her wrists, doing her best to push herself to the surface of the water.

The thought was soon forgotten, however, as the redhead felt hands grasp her, pulling her above the water as she gasped for air.

'Blimey,' Edmund Pevensie thought as he and his brother hoisted up a girl, dripping wet and pajama clad, 'I forgot how heavy humans were.'

"I've got her." His elder brother spoke, relieving Edmund of the spluttering girl's weight as they dragged themselves out the water.

It was a solace to have her feet firmly back on dry land, Lilith decided, as her rescuer set her down.

"Are you okay?" A brunette asked her gently, who she noticed was sliding a bow over her shoulder, restoring an unused arrow back in her quiver.

The redhead stepped back quickly, cautious as she surveyed her new companion's strange attire.

"I- Well, I believe so. Now I'm not drowning, of course."

"Who are you?" The elder girl spoke once more, curious as her younger sister stepped forward, using a small dagger to cut the binds around the newcomer's wrists.

"Lilith, Lilith Moore... and you are?"

"Qu-er, Susan Pevensie."

The others followed her lead- the short girl with the shining blue eyes was Lucy, the tall boy with golden hair and sea blue eyes was Peter, the raven haired boy with a sassy look in his dark eyes was Edmund, and the girl with light brown skin, dark hair and brown eyes was Sanya ("Ed's girlfriend," Susan had smirked and both of them had blushed).

"You're not from around here?" Edmund asked, forever wary around strangers.

"Well, I went to bed in my room in England and- and I woke up in the Forest." Lilith began her explanation, hoping she didn't sound too crazy. She crossed her arms as the cool breeze cut through her soaked pyjamas, fighting a shiver. "I walked for a while, until these- well, these soldiers arrested me, saying they thought I was a hidden Noran... no, that wasn't it... a hidden Narnian? They were about to drown me but, well, you know what happened from there..." she looked around her a moment before turning back to them. "Thank you for saving me, really. I've just one question, though."
She paused, waiting for their nods to accept her question. "Where am I?!"

"You're in Narnia, of course!" Peter said, as if it was ridiculous question in either of his worlds.

Edmund rolled his eyes at him- his oaf of a big brother was a moron. "How is she supposed to know where and what this is? She's not a mind reader!"

Peter retorted back crabbily and they immediately started bickering.

"Ignore them. They're always like this." Susan sighed and Lucy nodded, "It gets on your nerves after a while.

Sanya added, perhaps the most helpfully, "I don't know what this place is either. It's my first time, but apparently it's a magical, fantastical land with mermaids, faeries, giants, talking animals and-" She inclined her head towards the very short man who had almost been drowned along with Lilith "dwarves. Or so Ed tells me... And for once, he's not being sarcastic."

"Oh, well." Lilith still wasn't quite sure whether or not to believe them, never mind trust them. Their strange outfits, on the other hand, most definitely seemed to support their claims. "So, what've you got planned?" She asked, as casually as possible, tucking her loose strands of wet hair behind her ears.

Peter shared a look with his siblings and they understood immediately- were they to trust her with everything or give her, well, a vague idea?

Lucy spoke up first with, "We're going to where the rest of the Old Narnians are. They were- are our people." The others, barring Sanya, nodded.

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