Chapter 6

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Ciel pov

Sebastian and Claude managed to stop (y/n) before she could tear Grell's head off. She stood next to me and pouted while grell got yelled at by Sebastian. I turned to face her and stared at her beautiful face glowing in all it's glory. She laughed at the scene that Grell was making by clinging on to Sebastian's leg while Sebastian to shake him off. Her laugh and smile made her look even better her (s/c) complexion making her look as if she was an angel.

Reader pov

As I was looking at sebastian attempting to pry Grell off his leg I looked up and I saw something. I ran to sebastian and Grell pushing them away from were yet were standing. lots of mini daggers fell from the sky just as we were away from the spot. I pulled out my wings that resembled owl wings making everyone go silent with shock. I look up to find the angel from before, I growled at her as I yelled "get out of my sight !"

Angel pov

I saw my beloved rose attacking a red head as I released swords to start my attack, I heard a growl and a "get out of my sight!" I look down and smirk as I said "no can do Rosie "

Reader pov

I Pulled back my wings and growled in frustration "my names not ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!" I suddenly transform in to a horrid creature, a creature that was sadly my cursed side. My cursed side made me look older and more beautiful, I had blue hair and gold eyes.

Sebastian pov

I watched in amazement as (y/n) started to attack the angel that appeared from thin air. I needed to do some thing, some thing to help her. I ran toward the angel taking knives from the inside of my sleeve and thowing them at the cursed creature. She moved in time to not get hit by two of the knives but i succeeded by having on of the knives stab the angel in the stomach.

Reader pov

I saw the knives coming towards my direction and got out of the way. I got behind the angel as the knife staved her and I grabbed her neck, twisting it, I braking his neck. I walked towards the spectating group. I smiled as light flashed turning me back to normal. Wait I'm back to normal?!

Alois pov

I smiled as (y/n) blinked several times trying to prosses what was happening. I waved the camera that I had seen ciel use to turn her back to normal when we first discovered that she was cursed. She looked at me and grinned " thank you Alois!!" With that she came up to me an kissed my check taking my breath away.

Reader pov

I smiled and laughed "hahaha sebastian, grell's clinging to you leg again hahahaha" I walked over to claude and hugged him "I'm tired claude can you carry me ...." Claude blushed at my childish behavior and just like every time I look or am near him he smiles.

Grell pov

I looked as everyone became rigid, I could even hear Sebastian growl in anger. Why is this girl so important, she's stealing my spotlight!!!!!! I clung to my bassy's leg and held on tight as Sebastian started to try to pry me off. This girl had so many issues I don't know why, but that just seemed to draw every guy in even more.

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