Chapter 1

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"STOP" I heard my mom cry from the kitchen and my step-dad harshly beating on her. This was the worst beating in the three years they've been together. I felt terrible by not being able to do anything about her, but she had many chances of running away or calling the cops so I jumped to the conclusion she chose him over us. It has always been that way I just never wanted to see it. We never wanted to see it. So that night it hit me I had to get me and my sisters out of here. The three of us where hiding in the closet so it was pretty warm and uncomfortable. "Psss" I whispered ,"Chris" I said a bit louder,"what?" she responds "we have to get out of here and quick but we can't afford to make any loud noises." I said quickly both of my sisters nodded. Lizzy and I packed our stuff as Christina tried to cover our door by dragging out drawer slowly making no noise surprisingly. We dragged our suitcases from under our beds and packed all of our shoes clothing as we could fit leaving an empty one for towels blankets and personal things and most importantly our passports. We were struggling to close it until Lizzy decided too sit on it. In the background you could heard my my moms desperate cries and my step-dad insulting her. Christina rushed to the window and opened it all the way. Suddenly the screams stopped and footsteps rushed towards our bedroom door. Then theirs a loud banging in the door. My heart started racing and I could already feel the pounding in my ears. I stood their frozen in shock of the situation we were in. There was another loud bang before my sister pulled me out of my daze and lead me out the window then handed me our little sister Elizabeth and then our suitcases then jumping herself. We ran picking up out things just before the closet fell and our door burst open. We ran with no destination three girls underage roaming the streets of Paris wasn't the best idea but right now we had nowhere and nobody to go to until I remembered my friend Cloe. She had always been there so I though about sending her a text message forgetting I forgot my phone during the rush of running away. "Chris, Lizzy I think my friend might let us stay until we find a place too stay in" I said while stopping them and holding their hands."Jay, I'm the older sister I should find us where too stay I don't want to feel useless" she said softly calling me by my childhood nickname,"I know but your not being useless your almost 18 that can really be helpful you know?" I said trying to cheer her up. She nodded and we all started waking side by side to my friend's house

The Waiter[Ashton Irwin]Where stories live. Discover now