chapter 1 The New Kids.

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As Astrid walked with her kids to the principal's office they were watched by many eyes that were confused about their natural silver hair. 'how rude. Do that not know any manners?' Andrew the oldest thought as his younger twin sister Kiabi just stared in fear. They had just moved to another school and they never got along well with the other students.
The three sat down in front of a desk where a big man sat. "Hello Mrs. Woods, welcome to Seaside middle School my name is Mr. Chin." "Hello sir." Kiabi said as Andrew crossed his arms and chuckled softly. "Don't look like much." He pulled down his hoodie that revealed the same silver hair that matched Kiabi's and Astrid's. "Well yeah we only have a middle school, the High school and Elementary school are on the other sides of town, you know to prevent bullying." "I'm telling you now it won't change a thing, I speak from experience." "Andrew watch your mouth." Chin laughed in response. "No, no, it's fine. The boy was just speaking his mind. Just be careful with that mouth around some of the teachers here." The next period bell rang as Chin started talking to the three about classes and where to find them.
They all parted ways as the twins headed to class and Astrid said goodbye to Chin. "So children when they come make sure to be on your best behavior or detention for all of you, understood?" "Yes Miss May." "Oh, hello children you must be Andrew and Kaiser right?" "It- it's Kiabi ma'am." "Don't sass me you're lucky it's your first day or I would've sent you to detention." "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." "Good now, there are two open seats in the back. Go sit and we'll get started." The walked to the back of the class and sat at the desks that were unfortunately three desks apart. "Hey loser, why do you look so old?" "If you want to be able to speak I suggest you leave me and my sister alone on thqt topic." "Woah, woah, hey I'm just joking with you. I'm Juoqin. Welcome to Seaside."
As the time passed the twins learned nothing they didn't already know, they could tell it was going to be an easy year. As the bell rang the twins headed to their new lockers witch were luckily right next to each other. The rest of their classes were separate so they parted ways and headed to class.


As Kiabi headed into the history room she noticed many eyes watching her. 'who knew there were so many middle schoolers?' she thought as she sat down at an empty desk. "Hello students today we are going to be continuing our lessons in Irish history. Today we're going to discuss some Irish urban legends the first legend we will be learning about is a organization called the Dimension Walkers. They were all family and they all inherited silver hair from the unique gift." As the teacher finished talking everyone started to look at kiabi.
A girl in the front quickly looked back at the teacher and raised her hand. "If Ria the last dimension walker fled here does that mean that the new girl can be a Dimension Walker?" "Melanie that is a good question but there is a small chance that's true, Kiabi here can just have premature greying, it's when your hair turns grey a lot earlier than it should, but let's get back on topic."
As the class went on Kiabi found herself easily interested with the subject. As she walked down the hallway she was stopped by two boys much taller than her. "Hey loser you're too old to be in middle school!" "Yeah, go back to the senior center where you came from." "W- what?" "Ha ha! Not only is she old but she's deaf as well!" One of the boys said pushing her to the ground. "Ha! Teach her Axel!" "Hey!" A girl's voice said behind them. Axel and the other turned revealing a girl with white hair. "Leave her alone!"
"You don't scare me Alatar we're not as dumb as these pathetic extras." As the bell rang a red glow came from Alatar's hand, she shot at Axel and he ducked before a red lightning bolt hit him. They all looked in shock before the two boys ran away.
Alatar kneeled down and helped Kiabi get up. "Hey, I'm Alatar, but you can just call me Ally." "T- thanks, I'm Kiabi." "No problem but I got to get to class. See ya!" "Hay wait I need a little help with-" she turned to where Ally headed and saw no one in sight. "Getting... Directions." She turned and headed to where she was originally trying to go.


Andrew grabbed his books and started to walk out before his path was blocked. "Hey I'm Axel. We should be friends, you look like a good trouble maker." "No, now I have classes to get to." "What, how can you say no. Are you a nerd or something?" "No I just got to get to-!" Andrew felt a heavy push before falling into a row of desks. "If you're gonna study like a nerd than I'll treat you like one!" As Andrew tried to get up he felt another blow to the chest before hitting his back on the edges of the desks.
He growled at Axel before sending a fist strait to his face. After a few punches were thrown they got a large audience, come kids were even chanting in the background. "Everyone be quite! You two Principal's office now!"

•. •. •.

"Well your first day and you're already getting sent to my office, well we are going to become great friends. So tell me, who punched first?" "Well I was leaving the classroom and he stopped me said he wanted to hang out, I denied said I needed to get to class, told him I think class is more important and he pushed me. I went to get up, he pushed me again, and so, I defended myself." "Hmm, alright. You may go, send Axel to my office please." Chin said as Andrew stood up.
After Andrew closed the door he turned to Axel who had an ice pack on his eye. "Chin wants to talk to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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