four: is this coffee...or tEA?!

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"What the fuck?!"

"I know!" Zac replied. "I know it sounds crazy-"

"Yeah the fuck it does!"

"Let me explain!"

I took a deep breath.
holy shitballs

"Every time Lorsten likes a girl, Vanessa is always so cold to them. AND! We've seen her flirt with him. FLIRT. WITH. HIM."

"Maybe she's just jealous cause her brother is focusing more on another girl, and not her? Whenever my brother gets a new girlfriend, I get kind of pissed because they're rather 1) not good enough for him, or 2) he spends all his time with them and not me."

"I mean, that could be a reason, but the flirting?! She even looks at him in a weird way."

"I think you're on crack." I said.

Zac laughed. "Maybe I am."

We laughed.

Lorsten walked into the room, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you guys up?"

Zac and gave each other a look and yelled simultaneously: "uHHhHhHhh wE WeRe JusT uHhHH gonNA watCh a ScarY MoVie!!!!!"

"Okay, and I definitely believe you. Not sus at all." Lorsten replied, leaning on the counter.

I bit my lip.
wow. okay. how does he look good after sleeping?

"What movie do you guys wanna watch?" Lorsten asked. "I heard The Crawl is pretty good."

"Uh, we can watch that." Zac said.

"Okay, let's watch it in the family room. It's empty in there." Lorsten said.

We watched scary movies until early morning. Lorsten tried to "cop a feel" a few times, but I rejected him. He whispered in my ear an apology after the third try. I mean, he's being kind of pushy about touching, but maybe that's just because that's what he had happen to him? I don't know. It was a few hours ago he apologized, and since then I just laid in his lap all night with Zac laying in mine. I really think I'm bonding with Zac. She's really cool.

"Hey, hey, Mary! Wake up!" Zac said shaking my legs.

I jolted awake, and I was no longer laying on Lorsten's lap. Instead, I was on a pillow. "Where'd Lorsten go?"

"I heard him go upstairs with Vanessa." Zac said.

"And I oop-" I said getting up from the couch. We snuck upstairs, and both went into the bathroom next to Vanessa's room. We left the door partially open, and listened to them.

"Vanessa, you don't control my life!" Lorsten said, trying to keep his volume down.

"She's not good enough for you, Lorsten! You saw the posts, she's got issues." Vanessa said back.

"Posts?" Zac asked.

"Oh my god. This biiiiitch! I'll explain in a second." I replied.

"She's hot, Vanessa. And I think she really likes me! Sure she's fucked up, aren't we all? You know for a fact you are, too." Lorsten replied.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "When she ruins your reputation, don't come crawling back to me."

Lorsten rolled his eyes and went to his room, slamming his door on the way in.

We lightly shut the bathroom door. "Okay, first of all, posts?" Zac asked.

"My brother posted something defending me from people who were body shaming me, and then it became this whole thing. My brother, Tevan, deleted the posts but I guess somehow she found them again." I explained. "But please, don't tell anyone. I don't usually like talking about that part of my life with anyone."

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