Chapter One - Andi

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The first day of high school can be a scary time. After hearing so many rumors of what it is or isn't, or should or shouldn't be, it can be anxiety enducing. Are classes going to be harder? Will friend groups remain the same? What changes will occur over these next four years?

Andi Mack has these questions floating around her mind as she gets ready for her first day at her new school. She practically runs out of the bathroom to change into one of the thirteen outfits she has picked out for today. Deciding to try on a baby yellow t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, Andi studies the image standing in the mirror.

A knock sounds on the door. "Andi, can I come in?" a familiar voice rings.

"Please do!" she responds. Before the door opens completely, Andi asks "What do you think of this outfit? Does it say creative art student who knows she definitely belongs here or a basic girl that does artistic crafts for a hobby?"

Bex looks Andi up and down, then walks over to her. She places her hands on the back of Andi shoulders as they both look at the outfit's reflection. "Andi-"

"If this combination doesn't give an accurate representation of me I have others picked out as well." Andi walks over to her dresser and gestures to the other twelve options.

"Woah," Bex hastily replies. "Andi, you're asking me such loaded questions before I had my cup of coffee. You know how indecisive I am before my coffee."

For the first time since Bex's entrance, Andi takes her eyes off of her clothing possibilities and looks her mother in the eye. "I know, I know. I'm sorry mom, I really am. I just need to figure out what I'm going to wear with enough time to spare to eat breakfest and catch the bus."

Clearly picking up on Andi's anxiety, Bex moves to sit down on Andi's bed. "Andi, I remember exactly how I felt before my first day of high school. And if I didn't, I think your nervous energy would force the memories back to me." A small laugh comes from Andi. "The only reason you are obsessed with your outfits more than usual is because you are fearing what your new classmates will think of you. Am I right about this?"

Andi sits down next to her on the bed. "Of course I'm worried! This is my first impression on everyone there! Everyone at Jefferson knew me since kindergarten and still knew nothing about me by the time middle school almost ended!" She pauses for a moment, remembering one of the times her classmates judged her because of her Asian background rather than her true attributes. "I can't have that happen again."

"Andi, as much as you've thought about SAVA, I think you completely forgot one aspect of the school."

Andi scoffs. "Oh yeah? What did I completely disregard that will help me decide on an outfit?"

The two meet eyes. "You aren't the only new student at this school. All of the incoming ninth graders will be coming from all different school districts. Odds are that nobody you have classes with knows a single soul either. Everyone is going to be worried about first impressions and making friends."

Andi nods her head at this. After thinking this idea through, Andi laughs a little. "Yeah... I guess I did forget about that part."

Bex smiles at this. "Finally, I think of something you didn't before I had my daily caffeine intake. The best fashion advice I can give you is wear something you are comfortable in. There's no need to overload on the clothes today. I think what you have on now is simple, yet creative enough for today. There's just one thing I would change."

"What's that?" Andi asks, perplexed.

Bex stands and walks over to the dresser and takes a bracelet in her hand. She walks back over to where Andi is sitting and says "This." She takes Andi's hand in hers and positions the bracelet on her wrist. "One of the infinite things that prove you belong there."

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