
897 25 1

Okay, so clichés annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some cliché books,  but some overused clichés are just stupid.

For example,  oh no! I was dramatically kidnapped by a werewolf. Yeah, cause it's not like I've seen that before.

Originality please!

And also, those "the bad boy and the nerd" books. That plot would have been okay, if it hadn't been so overused. They all end up the same way. The nerd and bad boy fall in love and blah blah blah. I personally would love a story where the bad boy and nerd end up with the other person's best friend. That would be kind of original.

But seriously, how hard is it to come up with something new? Come on people, use those brains you may/may not have.

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