Chapter 6

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[JP had left the Zaizen residence. Akira holds the tickets. Ghost Gal walks over]

Ghost Gal: You're very intimidating. You know that?

Akira: What do you mean?

Ghost Gal: He was going to ask her on a date but you scared him.

Akira: Please lose the disguise.

[Ghost Gal removes her look and becomes Emma Bessho]

Akira: I don't think he's right for her. I mean, they've been friends forever but there is just something not right about him.

Emma: You must have some high standards.

Akira: I want you to keep an eye on him.

Emma: Why? I'm not a babysitter.

Akira: I need to know everything about the people Skye talks to.

[Skye enters the room]

Skye: You don't need to know everything! Why did you scare him?

Akira: I was worried that he might be associated with Playmaker. I mean he got these tickets from Playmaker? Doesn't that seem suspicious?

Skye: JP doesn't even duel! He has no deck! No duel disk!

Akira: I would've found that out for myself if Emma watched him.

Skye: Or you could've asked me!

Akira: How do you know he doesn't duel? You don't duel either unless your in your disguise! What makes you think he isn't doing the same thing?

[Skye gets frustrated and walks away. Emma smirks]

Emma: I'll keep an eye on him but for my own reasons.

[JP walks by himself. Zuzu finds him]

Zuzu: Hey. You okay?

JP: I'm okay.

Zuzu: So do you want me to walk you home?

[JP looks in the distance and sees Emma watching him]

JP: Maybe another time, Zuzu.

Zuzu: Promise?

JP: I promise.

[Zuzu walks on ahead. JP walks towards Emma]

JP: Why are you watching me?

Emma: You tried to ask a girl out and failed. That must be rough.

JP: I have no idea what you're talking about?

Emma: Please. With a look like that on your face, what else would it be?

JP: Still.

Emma: Anyway, I'm watching you because I'm interested.

JP: Well I'm not so I would like it if you would stop.

Emma: A lady does to get what she wants. Anyway, I'll see you around, sugar.

[Emma walks away. JP sighs. Emma goes back to Akira]

Emma: Do you access to Skye's phone?

Akira: I do not.

Emma: Liar. I know you do. I need that boy's number. I have a hunch and I need it to see if I'm right.

Akira: What's your hunch?

Emma: I think he's Playmaker.

Akira: You heard what Skye said. He doesn't duel.

Emma: But you said it yourself. Neither does your sister.

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 1 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now