Chapter 5

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[Yuya had just lost a duel to Zuzu. Yuya and Zuzu are walking together. Skye and JP haven't been around much lately but they don't mind since both said that they had something important they're working on]

Yuya: You're still thinking about that Playmaker guy aren't you?

Zuzu: How can I not? He saved me! He's my hero!

[The two pass by a television in a window]

Reporter: (On TV) Blue Angel has issued a duel challenge to Playmaker! Will the hero accept the challenge or continue just to show up when Hanoi show up?

Yuya: I think they should face off.

Zuzu: He only comes out to help people. He isn't a showman like you or Blue Angel.

Yuya: Still it would be cool to see them face off.

[Playmaker flies overhead]

Zuzu: Was that Playmaker?

[Zuzu and Yuya follow Playmaker. Playmaker appears in front of Blue Angel]

Blue Angel: So, you heard my challenge?

Playmaker: I did. I came to answer it.

Blue Angel: So, will you duel me?

[A crowd appears and starts chanting for the duel]

Playmaker: I'm sorry but I have to decline that challenge.

[The crowd groans in disappointment]

Blue Angel: Why?

Playmaker: I don't duel because I can. I duel for a purpose.

Blue Angel: How about this? If you win, I'll give you two tickets to that fancy new resturaunt in town. You could give them to someone else or use them!

[Playmaker knew that Skye had her eye on that restaurant]

Playmaker: Fine.

Blue Angel: If I win, you have to tell what you were going to do with the tickets.

Playmaker: Sorry but I need those for a friend.

[Playmaker and Blue Angel got set to duel. Meanwhile, in an alley way, a woman named Ghost Gal is watching closely. She is talking to Akira]

Akira: I want you to stay close to them. I need to know who he really is so I find out how he got our duel disk and knows how to Link Summon.

Ghost Gal: Don't worry. I'll pay close attention. He's good eye candy.

Akira: Whatever. Just get the job done. Anyway, she has her eye on him too so you got competition.

Ghost Gal: There is always a way to settle that.

Playmaker/Blue Angel: Let's speed duel!

Turn 1- Blue Angel

Blue Angel: Ladies first in this duel! I set the stage with Trickstar Lightstage! You should know what happens next! I can add a Trickstar to my hand! I can summon her immediately to my field! Say hello to Trickstar Lilybell!

Trickstar Lilybell: Level 2- 800 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Blue Angel: Now since all of my monsters are Trickstar, I can special summon Trickstar Corbane!

Trickstar Corbane: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Blue Angel: Okay! Time for some fun! I'll build the circuit that turns dreams into reality! The summoning conditions are two Trickstar monsters. I set Lilybell and Corbane in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Trickstar Holy Angel!

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