Chapter 7

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[At You Show duel school, many new applicants have arrived with the goal of learning how to Pendulum Summon. Zuzu was busy gathering all the forms. JP was helping]

JP: Your school is going to blossom.

Zuzu: I know. It's exciting!

JP: Do this kids realize that they can't learn how to Pendulum summon without Pendulum cards?

Zuzu: Don't bring that up!

[Yuya arrived and the new applicants cheered. They cheered for Yuya to duel]

Yuya: If you want a duel then I'll give you a duel!

[Yuya faced Zuzu]

Yuya: Let's duel, Zuzu!

Zuzu: Wouldn't JP be a better choice for this?

Yuya: I'm not dueling him. He'll beat me!

JP: What's wrong with that?

Yuya: That summoning technique is unfair!

JP: It really isn't. There are so many easy ways to stop it.

[Skye arrives]

Skye: Wow. So many people.

[Just then, the topic of Blue Angel and Playmaker started]

Zuzu: That subject changed.

[The applicants started to leave because You Show didn't teach Link summoning. Zuzu started to cry. JP sighed]

JP: We can teach Link summoning here.

[The applicants returned]

JP: I'm good friends with Playmaker. I can ask him if he would duel for us.

[Zuzu heard this and was excited to meet Playmaker again. Skye heard this and snuck out. The applicants then wanted a duel between Pendulum Summoning and Link Summoning. Just then, Blue Angel appeared]

Blue Angel: Hello, everyone! Everyone staying blue?

[The applicants cheered]

Blue Angel: I want to test my Trickstars against Pendulum summoning!

[The applicants cheered. JP saw this and snuck back in. Playmaker wasn't needed]

Yuya: I accept your challenge!

[Yuya and Blue Angel got set to duel]

JP: Yuya is screwed.

Zuzu: You have no confidence in him?

JP: There is a way to stop Link summoners. A very obvious way but no one uses it. I think Yuya is smiling because I think he's figured out how.

Zuzu: Well, we'll see.

[The action field appeared and the duel was underway]

Turn 1- Blue Angel

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Yuya- 4000 LP

Blue Angel: Ladies first! I'll start by activating my field spell: Trickstar Light Stage! This lets me add a Trickstar Monster to my hand! I can automatically summon her! Say hello to Trickstar Lilybell!

Trickstar Lilybell: Level 2- 800 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Blue Angel: Now I summon Trickstar Nightshade!

Trickstar Nightshade: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 0 DEF

Blue Angel: You know what comes next! I'll build the circuit that turns dreams into reality! The summoning conditions are two Trickstars! I set Trickstar Lilybell and Nightshade in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Trickstar Holy Angel!

Trickstar Holy Angel- 2000 ATK/ Link-2

[The audience cheers]

Blue Angel: Now since Nightshade was used to Link Summon, she can summon herself back to the field! Now that activates Holy Angel's effect! You lose 200 LP since Nightshade was summoned near her link!

Yuya- 4000 LP - - -> 3800 LP

Blue Angel: That activates Trickstar Light Stage! Taking away another 200 LP!

Yuya- 3800 LP - - -> 3600 LP

Blue Angel: This activates Trickstar Narkissus's special ability! Since you took damage, she can summon herself to the field!

Trickstar Narkissus- Level 4- 1000 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Blue Angel: This triggers the cycle again!

Yuya- 3600 - - -> 3400 LP - - -> 3200 LP

Blue Angel: With that I'll end my turn!

Zuzu: She's good.

Turn 2- Yuya

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Yuya- 3200 LP

Yuya: You may have caused damage but that won't stop me from entertaining! My turn! I draw! I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 4 Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician! Time to Pendulum Summon! I summon Performapal Whip Snake and Performapal Whip Snake!

[An error appears on Yuya's duel disk]

Yuya: What's wrong?

Blue Angel: Uh oh. Did someone forget how the Pendulum Scale works? I don't Pendulum Summon and I do.

[Yuya is forced to lose a turn. He calms himself down]

Turn 3- Blue Angel

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Yuya- 3200 LP

Blue Angel: I'm disappointed. I was hoping to witness the Pendulum Summon. Oh well. My turn. I draw! Don't think that face down will help you! I activate the spell: Twin Twisters! By discarding a card from my hand, I can destroy two of your spell and trap cards! Say goodbye to your facedown and Timegazer Magician!

Yuya: No!

Blue Angel: Time for the grand finale! I'll build the circuit that turns dreams into reality! The summoning conditions are two Trickstar Monsters! I set Trickstar Nightshade and Narkissus in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Trickstar Black Catbat!

Trickstar Black Catbat- 2000 ATK/ Link-2

Blue Angel: She was summoned next to Holy Angel's link. You know what that means!

Yuya- 3200 LP - - -> 3000 LP - - -> 2800 LP

Blue Angel: Now my Holy Angel gains ATK equal to the damage you took! Holy Blessing!

Trickstar Holy Angel- 2000 ATK - - -> 2200 ATK

Blue Angel: Time to end this! Black Catbat, attack Yuya directly!

Yuya: Ahh!

Yuya- 2800 LP - - -> 800 LP

Blue Angel: This duel is over! Holy Angel, attack directly and end this duel!

Yuya- 800 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Blue Angel

[The duel ends and the spectators cheer for Blue Angel. Yuya puts his goggles on and walks away sad. JP walks over]

Yuya: Those link monsters are OP. I was the top dog but then Link Summoning came along. It's no fair!

[Yuya walks away sad. Zuzu stands next to JP]

JP: You going to check on him?

Zuzu: No. He just needs space.

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