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Do people know I died?

Do they know?

Does anyone but Allura know I really died?

Do they know she saved me after I died saving her?

Do they?

Do you know the pain I felt when I died?

The wonderment I felt from it?

The amazement?

The feeling of being with the world but at the same time, feeling like nothing?

Does anyone know what it felt like to die and suddenly be flickered back into existence seconds after dying?

Does anyone know I want to do it again?

Do they know how I feel about dying?

How I felt before I experienced it firsthand.

How confusing it was, not knowing I had died at first then finally realizing as I think, "I'm dead. I died."

Do they know what it feels like to be nothing then actually be nothing but be something else entirely at the same time?

Would anyone know?

Would they care?

Would they be surprised?

Would they be unaffected?

What would their first reaction be to me dying?

Can I die again?

Can I feel what I felt once more?

I want to die.

I want to be nothing yet something instead of just plain nothing.

Dying is the answer.

The feeling I want can only be experienced by dying.

Is there any other thing that would give me that... pleasure, that amazement, that confusion, that feeling-

I want to feel it again.

I need to feel it again.

I need to die.

But without dying, can I have that feeling?

I crave that feeling.

I need it like I need air.

Wait, do I really need air though?

Do I really need to breath?

Would not breathing be the same as dying?

Would I feel that feeling once again?

Should I try to find out or wait?

But I can't wait.

I need that feeling.

Want it, crave it.

I will die without it.

But then, dying would give me that pleasure I so want, need, crave.

Dying sounds like the better option.


Lance got shook out of his writing spree after a couple more alarms flare. He would have to finish it later then.

He put the notebook, after bookmarking it, in it's hiding place as he left his room, heading to where the others were.

His mask hadn't slipped even a bit.

Dying (A Langst: Voltron)Where stories live. Discover now