Everything Ends

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Chapter 8 - Everything Ends

I quickly opened a door and hid as my dad was coming out of the room.

I thought to myself "Why is it that this would happen." 

Thinking back I thought that my parents were happy ,but where they not.

After awhile of trying to calm myself and hold in my tears I observed the room i was in.

I saw a big painting and row and rows of books.

Curiously, I went to grab the book that caught my eyes first. 

"It's a photo album." I said as I opened it. Before I could get to open it I heard someone open the door and came in. It was Baekhyun.

I put the book down and hid behind one row of books.

" Seriously! I thought I could leave my problems with you Manager. Could you take care of my scandal as quickly as possible!" Baekhyun blared at the phone.

He hung up and grabbed the album I had placed down. I watched him curiously through the bookcase. 

I watched him as he looked at the album with such caring eyes. 

"What am I suppose to do when you are not here with me?" Baekhyun said looking at the photo.

"Hyung." Baekhyun whispered and then slowly made his way out of the room.

As I saw Baekhyun leave I thought about the look he had when he was looking at the picture. I felt a heaviness surpass me as I vizualized his expression. Then I thought about my mom and dad. The saddness hit me and I stood up telling myself " Fighting."


I woke this morning with a little bit of hope for a better day today. I got to miss school today to take a tour around Seoul and got to Exo's concert. 

Baekhyun and I had to meet up because he went to rehersals for the concert at 7:00 am.

When I got to the building that the concert was going to be held I became lost once again.

"Great I'm lost." I said tiredly.

I looked around to see if there was a map but I found my eyes upon a familiar boy.

"Hey! Your looking for Baekhyun right? " He asked happily.

The boy was in a black tux. with a bit of white on it. His hair was brown and was swept back with some gel on it. 

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked.

"I'm one of his friends and member of the band. I'm Xiumin you must be Mi Hyun if I'm correct." He said with a big smile.

" Yeah! I'm the girl that fell from the stairs."

We both laughed and he led the way to the stage.


On the stage some of the guys where sitting and others where laying.

"Hey!" Kris yelled.

"Hi." I replied.

I bowed to the rest of the members and they bowed back.

"Hey Mi Hyun, I need help danceing would you like to teach me?" asked a boy with a smerk on his face. The boy had rainbow hair and a black suit like the others.

"Um... I'm not great at dancing." I replied.

"But I would still love to spend time with you." He said.

"Shut up Sehun. Sorry about him he flirts a lot. I'm D.O. and thats Sehun." said another boy.

"Girl you have a good sense of style wanna go Gucci shopping with me?" asked one of the chinese members.

Before I could reply Baekhyun said "Dude why are all of you guys hitting on her? There nothing to want."

I glared at baekhyun and he smile back.

The guys all went back to practice and I watched them quietly.

Around 12 my brother texted me.

Woon Ha: Noona! I over heard mom screaming at dad saying she was going to divorce him.


Every thing seemed to stop. My world seemed to come to and end. My eyes strated to sting and my mind went blank.

For a minute I my vision started to go dark and the I felt someone place their hand on mine.


I Love cliff hangers; how about you? 

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