46- A Stranglehold Of Lies

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As soon as the song ended, Will made sure he had his mobile phone with him, waited for Kyle to come, then rushed to the corner to where he had seen her go. And fuck, he was too late. He pounded his fist on the wall.

When Shane mentioned ecstasy, only one person came to his mind, who might possess it, and spike some innocent person's drink. He went to the bathroom, to splash water on his face, which was clammed with sweat. He did not like being the centre of attention, which was surprisingly weird considering he loved being the centre of attention in the past.

He came out, and walked down the corridor into the boys locker room, where he always kept a secret stash of Skittles, his 'comfort' food, when he was stressed out. Liv was supposed to be having the night of her dreams, but now she living a nightmare. He stood up straight. Liv. He was supposed to be with her. Not hang out at the locker room, away from the drama like a sissy.

But when he came out of the locker room, a funny smell hit his nostrils. It was com in from the broom closet. And it took him a few seconds to realise what it was.

He took his phone out and texted Kevin.

Will: Come outside the boys locker room. And bring coach along with you.

Kevin: Um, okay.

Will went closer to the door and heard two voices. Their conversation was soft, but comprehensible. So he switched on the voice recorder, taking every precaution so that the situation won't become, 'My word against yours.'

"Ugh, it was meant for the slut Emma, then how did this idiot drink it?", Will heard Chloe say.

"And why wont she wake up?", came Vanessa's voice.

"This is what ecstasy does, dumbass. You act like a drunkard, then you have hallucinations, then you pass out and wake up like half a day later. So if you piss me off, I might slip you a dose",he heard Chloe's voice.

"I feel so loved", Vanessa said, "and did you notice how weird Kyle's tramp was acting? Looked to me that she was on ecstasy too."

"Ugh, today was showdown day. And this bitch took ecstasy. What if she opened up her mouth?", Chloe asked.

"Don't you think you would be pinned onto the ground by the slut and the tramp then?", Vanessa replied.

"I pay this bitch more than she deserves, and she ruins everything at the ripe moment. Lily would have been so much better", Chloe said with a huff.

"I am just amazed how she held so long", Vanessa said.

"It's because of the innocent looks, and that jail incident that she held so long", Chloe said.

What innocent looks, what jail incident?

"Ugh she refused to do it two months ago, but of course I blackmailed her",Chloe said.

"How?", Vanessa asked.

"The sex tape that Stan made", Chloe said, and Will heard Vanessa laugh.

"That intelligent bastard. Where did you find it?", Vanessa asked.

"Where he keeps all his other sex tapes", Chloe said.

Who was this 'she' in the picture? Will had to find out. And then Will's phone buzzed with a text.

When he read it, he felt his heart stop for a second.

Kevin: Emergency, Liv is missing.

Will began to panic. Liv was high. She could end up in jail if someone found out. Or worse, she could end up passed out on the road or some other dangerous place.

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