Domination | Johnny Depp imagines

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"Welcome to my humble abode," you said in a high-pitched tone, opening the front door to let your partner, Landon, into your apartment. His backpack hangs over one shoulder, and he has an unsure smile on his face. Always a little cutie. Odd, seeing a giant like him afraid to be impolite. 

Even though you distinctly remember reminding him your boyfriend wouldn't be back from the gym for another hour, he still glanced around the room with a nervous twitch. You giggled and shut the door behind him, then skipped over to the couch. 

You'd tried to make your home as presentable as possible before Landon came over. Dishes are clean. Laundry is put up. The wood-tiled floor is swept and mopped. Kicking Johnny out of the house was the most grueling chore. 

You didn't think Landon would appreciate his partner's boyfriend eyeing him evilly from the other side of the couch, so you sent Johnny to the gym with Haz. You really wouldn't put it past Johnny to sit in between you guys like in those sitcoms where the dad is keeping his daughter away at a reasonable distance from the boy she brought home. Yeah, he would. You chuckled out loud, and Landon smiled.  "What's so funny?" 

"Nothing," you laughed, then cleared your throat. "Okay, down to business. Did you bring the questions?"

Landon fished through his backpack, now sitting on the floor by his feet, and pulled out the survey paper for your intimate social experiment. "Got 'em." 

"So," you said, kicking your bare feet up onto the arm of the couch and smoothing your skirt. "How're we doing this? I ask a question first; you write my answers down, then you go, then I go again, I'm rambling, aren't I?" 

He nodded shyly, "A little, yeah." 

"Come on. Loosen up, Landon, I'm not gonna bite!" 

He grinned but looked around the living room again. "Where's your boyfriend?" 

"Johnny is not here, at the moment. And if he were, I'd deal with him," you promised. 

Johnny sort of built up the reputation of being the tough boyfriend. He only punched one of your partners once. Okay, twice; the guy hugged you before he left, and Johnny wasn't pleased. You've put your foot down since that incident, telling your boyfriend this isn't the freaking middle ages and you're not his property. He's tried his best to comply after that. 

You sent him away because if he knew what this experiment is about, Landon would go to the hospital with a broken jaw and Johnny would be charged with aggravated assault. 

Clapping your hands together, you smiled at your partner then picked up your notebook and pen off the coffee table. "Should I start?"

Landon grabbed himself a sheet of paper and smiled. "Ladies first."

You picked up the purple colored sheet and read off the first question.
"Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.' Um, by the looks of it... we have the same style in clothes, we both like the color red, and from the pattern on your backpack, we both like pizza. Did I get any of that wrong?" 

"One. I like orange." 

"No way," you exclaimed. "I never see you wear anything orange!" 

He laughed heartily. "Who says I have to wear it to like it?" 

"Alright, you got me there. Your turn." 

Landon took the paper from you and sat back against the couch. "What would constitute a 'perfect' day for you?' Easy; all my classes canceled, my shift at work covered, and I get to sleep in all day and hang out with my friends all night long. How about you?" 

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