What do you choose, darling?

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Morning light showered through the drawn curtains in you're room. Painting your small bedrooms wall. When you woke up, it's brightness blinded you for a moment. You tried to turn over and hide your face, but you couldn't. Your couldn't move at all really... someone was holding you and you momentarily tried to wriggle out of the embrace - to escape the goddam sunlight that was waking you up- until the arms tightened and a sleepy voice spoke from behind, making you freeze mid-struggle.

"Where you going, sweetheart"?, Johnny murmured, burrowing his face into your hair.

"Oh," you said, relaxing yourself back into his body. "....Hi."

"Hello, darling," Johnny answered, his voice a low, tectonic rumble. "Sleep good?" His hand splayed flat over your stomach, lazily tracing small patterns.

You always slept better when you were with Johnny. He would often help you rewind after a long day at work, by offering a snuggle or just lay with you and talk about nothing and everything. So you answered him honestly,

"I slept great," you replied, snuggling further back into his embrace. "I always do, with you."

"I'm glad to hear, darling," Johnny answered, curving his body further around you in response to your wriggling, tucking his knees up behind your legs and tugging you back firmly against his chest. He could lay like this, with you, for hours. Just holding you. Protecting you. "I've missed being with you like this, in fact, I've missed all of you," He was referring to you being away, a whole week, for work. Some stupid assignment that had taken you all the way to New York. But now you were back, laying in his bed, where you belonged. A chuckle started in your throat, but it was cut off by a gasp as you felt Johnny getting hard against the back of your thigh. And then Johnny chuckled, but the sound was dark, and low, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. "I hope you've missed me, darling," he murmured, pushing his hips back into your ass that was pressed tight against his crotch. He dropped his voice further. "Because I sure as hell ain't letting you get out of bed so soon."

His cock was like a branding iron nestled up against your leg, noticeably hotter than the rest of his body, and you found yourself rather suddenly consumed with the need to have it inside you. Now. Or possibly....five minutes ago.

Was Johnny still talking?

"Uh - was that a question?" You managed.

"Oh, are you having a hard time focusing?" Johnny's hand appeared low on your belly, holding you still, and yes. You were having a hard time focusing. And then Johnny dropped his voice to a low growl. "What can I do for you, darling" he asked, his fingers brushing maddeningly across your skin a centimetre from where you wanted it most.

"Are - you - expecting me to make - words?" You breathed. You were lost in his touch. All thoughts, gone from you're mind.

Johnny kissed your neck and then bit gently down on the spot. "I think I'll have to insist on a few words, darling," he said. Slipping his hand from your stomach into your panties. Your tried to press into it with a little whine. "Y/n."

You tried to remember what he'd asked, and to come with a coherent answer. Instead of just...hopeless begging. Maybe you could just beg? Sometimes that was enough. Didn't seem like it would be right now, though. "Ah - please - just, cmon, Johnny - please"? You finally produced, and Johnny's other hand came around and tugged, hard, on your hair like that was the wrong answer.

"My, my...you want to play games?" You could feel the smirk on his face. His fingers left your body, and you were about to protest - but it was cut of with a gasp as he flipped your body around, so you were laying on you're stomach.

"Now," he continued. "I'm gonna ask one more time," he reached underneath the bed and placed whatever items he had taken, beside your left hip. "What do you want"?

You're mouth ran dry when you looked back and discovered that he had laid a set of ropes, handcuffs and blindfolds beside your body. You looked back up to him, trying to ignore the almost painful throbbing in your cunt.

"Now, I thought it would be nice of me to give you some options," he gestured to the items. He leaned down next to your ear, smoothing his entire body onto your back and pressing his erection into you're ass. Your hips twitched up on your own, trying to seek some friction.

"What do you choose, sweetheart"?

I'm probably gonna continue this tomorrow and I would just like to say that this is heavily inspired by chapter 4 in Pacify part 5: Safety by Chickenpets on Ao3. She's such an amazing writer, so please check out her work. Also, Biden won so I'm happy - even though I'm not American :) Have a good day!

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