Ballet | Johnny Depp imagines

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As the crowd cheers and claps, you bow for a second before standing back up and looking straight over at Johnny in the third row. Smiling big, you make your way off stage and out back to your dressing room. Taking a seat in front of the lit mirror, you hear a knock at your door. Turning around you spot Johnny standing there, leaning against the frame. 

"How was that?" You practically scream as you run up to him and wrap your arms around his neck. 

"Baby you were truly amazing." He kisses you on the forehead before you take his hand and pull him in. 

"I'm so glad you could come to this ballet show. It really means a lot to me."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world darling. Although, I did get a bit distracted." 

You furrow your eyebrows at him in confusion "what do you mean?" 

"Well, that outfit for one is just..." he places his hands on your hips, slowly moving them round to your lower back.

"Johnny stop it." You laugh at him.
"You can't be serious." 

"Oh I am." He forcefully pulls your body into his, leaving no gap in between. 
You look up at him as you feel a slight bulge in his jeans pressing up against you. 

"You're ridiculous." 

"Baby it's just so fucking tight on you, I can't help it if it shows every inch of your body. Fuck it's so hot." His hands roam down onto your ass.
His lips move down onto your neck, occasionally nibbling at your skin. 

"Johnny stop. Control yourself."

"I can't, I just want to take you right here right now."

"Okay first of all, I've only got 10 minutes until the next show. Secondly, you're going to ruin my outfit." 

"But I cant resist you in that tight bodysuit." His hot breath flows past your ear.  He grunts before he picks you up and sits you on the mirror stand. Before you can tell him to put you down he smacks his lips against yours and grips your head in between his huge hands. After a second of hesitation, you kiss him back, quickly, the hunger building fast. His hands move down to your thighs, gripping them tight as he spreads them, allowing room for his body. His fingers run from your entrance go your clit through your clothes, wanting you more by the second. 

"I'm sorry." He breaths 

"For what?" You question before going back to kissing him.  But you're stopped by the sound of fabric tearing. You look down to see a hole torn in your tights. 

"Johnny what the hell!" You yell. 

"I know you've got another pair." 

"Yes... but that's not the point you idiot I-" you're cut off by his tongue roaming your mouth. 

Rolling your eyes you give in, again, and bring one hand up to his belt, hooking your fingers over it whilst your free hand covers his bulge. A moan escapes his mouth as you add some pressure to it. 

"This outfit really does that to you?" You tease him as you begin to unbuckle his belt 

"You bet." He quickly lowers his jeans and boxers to sit on the top of his thighs, his member springing up to his clothed torso. 

He moves the strap of your body suit to the side, gaining him access to your core. As he kisses you again, he inserts a finger, quickly pumping it in and out of you. 

'I don't have long.' You breath in his ear.  He looks up at you and smirks, 'As you wish.'  He places his free hand on your back, pulling your body into his as his other hand pumps his member before lining it up at your entrance. 

'Have you by any chance got a lock on your door?" 


You draw in a sharp breath as he rams into you, scraping your walls. Bringing your hands up, you grip onto his shoulders, digging your fingernails into his skin slightly.  'Fuck-' He lets out a deep groan from the pit of his throat, his face inches away from yours. 

'You know someone could walk in here at any second.' You pant 

'I know, it makes it even more exciting.' The corners of his mouth turns as he thrusts deeper inside you  Throwing your head back with your back arching, he moves his hands up to your shoulder blades, keeping you up-right. The two of you exchange moans and curse words, often interrupted by your lips smacking against each others. 

'Baby I haven't got long-' your eyes roll back in pleasure mid-sentence, '-till I'm needed out there-' 

'You'll be out there in no time, don't you worry.'  He places his hands on your hips and lifts you up, still remaining inside you.  Carrying you over to the middle of the room, he places you down on your back on your dressing room table, knocking a few things off it. Grabbing your thighs, he pulls you to the edge for easier access. He continues to thrust into you, still holding onto your hips. 

'Faster-' You whimper, holding onto his arm. 

At your command, he moves his hand up and places it lightly around your throat as he quickens his movements. You feel him shifting, changing his angle, hitting the spot with more force. You feel a knot tying in the pits of your stomach, at the same time as you feel his member twitching inside you. You know he's close, either that gave it away or the curse words escaping his gritted teeth. 

"Johnny I-" Your hand grips the edge of the table, needing something to hold tightly. 

"I know baby." He leans over you and places his lips against yours.  The pleasure being too powerful for you, leaving your open lips resting against his as you moan continuously. You find your way up to grip his hair as you feel your high appraoching. All it took is for one final thrust into your g-spot for you to reach your orgasm, screaming out into his ear. 

As your walls clench around his member, this helps him reach his high as he buries his head in the crook of your neck. His thrusts become slow as he rides out both of your highs. He begins to place soft kisses on your neck, making his way up to your lips. 

'I need to get going.' You hold his cheeks and pull him away. 

As he pulls out of you and cleans himself up, he looks back over at you and sighs.

'How are you going to use me like this?' You scoff and get up off the table as you hunt for your other pair of tights. 

"You owe me another pair of tights you dick." You give him the death stare as you change from your torn pair to your new pair. 

"I'll buy you as many pairs as you'd like if it means we can do this after every show." You kiss him on the cheek as you head out the door back to the stage. 

"Break a leg baby!"

1195 words

Sorry for not updating that much, my parents took my phone for a while lmao

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