Cockblockers | Johnny Depp imagines

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It's 12:30 pm and Johnny said he would be here at 12, you thought impatiently while checking the time on your phone. You hopped out of the oddly large black Jeep to search for what you now presumed as your missing boyfriend. He said that he would meet you in the airport car park at noon but it had passed.

You knew you shouldn't hold this against him, knowing that fans were probably swarming him at every possible entry. Still, you couldn't help it.

Out of nowhere, you spotted a familiar set of brown eyes in the distance and a smile crept onto your face. Johnny looked over his shoulder one last time before his eyes met yours and you both practically sprouted into a run. You missed his greetings, not a hello or how have you been but a kiss to your lips every time. Sometimes it was quick and rushed, other times it was simple and sweet but your favourite was the one he was currently laying on you, the slow and passionate one. You finally demanded your lips off his and looked at him adoringly.

"Hi baby," you purred you hands fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

"How was your flight?"

"It was good," Johnny smiled before a cheeky glint appeared in his eyes, "knowing you were on the other end."

You raised an eyebrow at him, "what about me made it good?"

"How about I show you when we have the privacy of our home," Johnny whispered in your ear before gesturing to the gateway.

You looked to see the ocean of fans gathering and blocking the walkway.

"Alrighty," you giggled as you hopped back into the car, Johnny followed quickly right after he threw his stuff into the car. You enjoyed the stories that came out of Johnnys job. It was exciting to hear how he pulled off the stunts and the hype that came with his movies. You often wondered if your stories didn't excite him as much as when he tells his own, you couldn't help that pre-teen children didn't make for good encounters.

"How is your teaching going sweetheart?" Johnny asked as he flicked through emails on his phone.

"Oh it's awesome, the only downside is that I have to stay up grading papers a lot," you sighed, instantly remembering the stack of papers on your desk currently.

"Well that's easy for you since I usually keep you up a lot," Johnny chuckles darkly, you were slightly taken aback at how he could turn something as innocent as talking about teens papers to your sex life.

"That may be true," you responded but got a look from Johnny.

"Maybe true?" He sounded offended as he turned, "don't tell me that I've been away for that long that you've forgotten angel," Johnny exclaimed as his palm clenched onto your thigh harshly.
You stayed silent, biting your lower lip and struggling to keep your eyes on the road.

"Maybe I'll have to remind you," Johnnys hand drifted over your thighs delicately before wafting over your already needy sex.

"You're going to make me crash the car," you warned. Johnny slowly pulled his palm back but placed a chaste kiss to the exposed skin of your neck. After 20 minutes of almost painful tension and constant touching and soft moaning, you pulled up in your driveway. The air was thick as you fully stopped the car but Johnny roughly pulled your face to his so he could smash his lips against yours. Totally into the moment, you unbuckled your seatbelt making sure that you never took your lips off his, you swung your legs over his lap to straddle him.

Johnnys hands gripped at your hips forcing you to start rocking back and forth on his lap, drawing whimpers from the both of you. You haven't been able to physically touch Johnny for 5 months and you had enough. You have had enough of quick phone sex because Johnny had shooting to attend to. You've had enough of the suggestive photos and texts that were sent back and forth between you two, making you crave even just his scent. Out of nowhere, Johnny tore his lips from yours, making you whine.

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