The Princes

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Dean had just finished getting dressed in his bedroom when he looked towards his balcony.

Dean-''I wonder if Flicka is on her way.''

Dean stepped onto the balcony. It was a beautiful sunny day in the Hunter Kingdom. Dean glanced down and saw Seth training on the obstacle course on the field.

Dean-''Man, he never skips a day of training.''

Then Dean looked over at the view he had of the forest from his balcony.


Dean heard his name being called in the distance. Dean looked up into the sky and smiled.

Dean-''There she is.''

Dean raised his arm as she flew towards him. She landed on her feet on his forearm.

Dean-''Hey, Flicka. My beautiful girl.''

Flicka is Dean's African Grey Parrot and Dean taught her how to speak.

Flicka walked up Dean's arm, stood on his shoulder and rubbed her head against his cheek

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Flicka walked up Dean's arm, stood on his shoulder and rubbed her head against his cheek.

Dean-''How's my pretty girl doing?''


Dean smiled.

Dean-''Come on, let's go get some breakfast.''

Dean walked back into his room and out into the hallway with Flicka on his shoulder and saw Triple H.

Dean-''Morning, Dad.''

Dean walked up to him.

Triple H-''Morning, Dean. Hello, Flicka.''


Dean-''Where's Mom?''

Triple H-''In the garden.''

Dean-''And Roman?''

Triple H-''I believe he went to the market place.''


Triple H-''I'm going to tell Seth to take a break on the training course. He's been there since dawn.''

Dean-''At least he's not playing pranks on anyone.''

Triple H-''True. But I'm pretty sure....''

They heard a scream!

Dean-''What was that?''

Then they saw Shawn Michaels walk around the corner laughing.

Triple H-''That would be your uncle Shawn playing a prank on somebody.''

Shawn-''Man! That was fun.''

Triple H-''Shawn, what did you do now?''

Shawn-''You don't wanna know.''

Dean smiled as Triple H shook his head and walked off.

Shawn-''Hey, Dean.''

Dean-''Hi, Uncle Shawn.''

Shawn-''Where are you two going?''

Dean-''Flicka & I are going to the kitchen.''

Shawn-''Good. I'm starving.''

Dean smiled and they went to the kitchen. Dean chopped up some pieces of fruit and vegetables for Flicka on a plate and grabbed a couple of apples for himself.

Dean-''Want to go eat in the garden, Flicka?''



Dean walked out into the garden with Flicka on his shoulder and they saw Stephanie sitting by a table having tea.

Dean-''Morning, Mom.''

Stephanie-''Morning, you two.''

Dean-''Can we join you?''

Stephanie-''Of course. Have a seat.''

Dean sat down across from Stephanie. Flicka jumped down from Dean's shoulder and stood on the table and Dean puts her plate of food in front of her.

Stephanie-''You're taking such good care of her, Dean. She is so beautiful.''

Dean-''Thank you.''

Dean smiled at Flicka as she ate her food. Then Roman walked up to them.

Roman-''Mother, I got everything you needed from the market place.''

Stephanie-''Thank you, Roman.''

Stephanie stood up and walked back into the castle as Roman sat down next to Dean.

Roman-''So, what are you and Flicka doing today?''

Dean-''Probably go for a walk after she's done eating.''

Then Seth walked up to the table and sat down across from Dean & Roman.

Seth-''Morning, brothers. Hey, Flicka.''


Seth-''Too cute.''

Dean-''Did Dad drag you away from training again?''

Seth-''Yeah. I always lose track of time when I'm out there.''

Roman-''Well, just don't overdo it, brother. You'll end up hurting yourself.''


Then Flicka climbed up Dean's arm and sat on his shoulder.

Dean-''Finish eating, girl?''


Dean-''Alright. Let's go.''

Dean stood up.

Seth-''Where are you two off to?''

Dean-''We're going for a walk.''

Dean walked off.

Roman-''So, what are you doing today?''

Seth-''Not much. Hey, where's Uncle Shawn?''

Roman-''You two and your pranks.''


They laughed! Dean walked with Flicka into a deep part of the garden.

Dean-''Ok. No one followed us, girl. Ready to go?''


Dean smiled.

Dean-''Alright, let's go.''

Dean walked up to one of the walls, climbed up & over the wall and landed on his feet on the other side.

Dean-''Where do you want to go?''


Dean smiled.


Dean & Flicka made their way to the side of the Kingdom's bridge. Dean hopped over the wall and walked on the long bridge towards the forest.

Dean-''I know we could've used the Kingdom's main door. But jumping over the wall is more fun, huh?''

Flicka-''More fun!''

Dean laughed.

Dean-''That's my girl.''

Dean kissed Flicka's head. They got to the end of the bridge and started walking into the forest.

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